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  • Articles  (140)
  • ddc:300  (122)
  • 05.09. Miscellaneous  (15)
  • 05.08. Risk
Document type
  • Articles  (140)
  • 1
    Publication Date: 2022-02-18
    Description: This assessment report identifies six key areas of sustainable consumption. Transforming those areas is associated with a significant, positive impact on sustainable development. In this way, those key areas lay the foundation to set clear priorities and formulate concrete policy measures and recommendations. The report describes recent developments and relevant actors in those six fields, outlines drivers and barriers to reach a shift towards more sustainability in those specific areas, and explores international good-practice examples. On top of this, overarching topics in the scientific discourse concerning sustainable consumption (e.g. collaborative economy, behavioural economics and nudging) are revealed by using innovative text-mining techniques. Subsequently, the report outlines the contributions of these research approaches to transforming the key areas of sustainable consumption. Finally, the report derives policy recommendations to improve the German Sustainable Development Strategy (DNS) in order to achieve a stronger stimulus effect for sustainable consumption.
    Keywords: ddc:300
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: English
    Type: report , doc-type:report
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2017-11-15
    Description: The themes addressed by geoethics are becoming central to all scientific debate. A growing number of scientists now consider geoethics as an effective tool to increase, in the scientific community and society as a whole, the awareness of local and global environmental problems that humanity faces. Geoethics deals with ethical, social and cultural aspects related to geosciences. Geoethics addresses fundamental issues such as the prudent and sustainable use of geo-resources, management of natural hazards, defence of geoheritage as a common value to be protected and enhanced. But above all, geoethics aims to raise, in the community of geoscientists, their awareness of responsibilities in conducting scientific and professional activity. In order to extend this awareness to the whole of civil society and also to foster the recognition of the usefulness of geosciences in daily life, geoscience communication should be recognized as a fundamental activity connected with scientific and professional work, since geoscience knowledge is a tool to contribute to the construction of social knowledge for human communities. But today what is the role played by geosciences in the scientific mass culture? Are the geosciences part of a collective “cultural heritage”? Do the publishing world and media offer adequate space to geosciences? Through the analysis of two Italian case studies, the authors highlight the critical features of the relationship between geoscientists and the media and try to suggest some actions that are useful to make the relationship between these two separate fields more functional, with the goal of bringing citizens closer to geosciences and increasing the awareness of the individual and collective responsibility towards the Earth.
    Description: IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics
    Description: Published
    Description: 2TM. Divulgazione Scientifica
    Description: 3TM. Comunicazione
    Description: 1VV. Altro
    Description: JCR Journal
    Keywords: geoethics ; science communication ; media ; geoscientists ; web churnalism ; 05.03. Educational, History of Science, Public Issues ; 05.09. Miscellaneous
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2019-04-01
    Description: This paper attempts to assess whether renewable energy self-sufficiency can be achieved in the crop production and processing sector in Tanzania and if this could be accomplished in an environmentally sustainable manner. In order to answer these questions the theoretical energy potential of process residues from commercially produced agricultural crops in Tanzania is evaluated. Furthermore, a set of sustainability indicators with focus on environmental criteria is applied to identify risks and opportunities of using these residues for energy generation. In particular, the positive and negative effects on the land-use-system (soil fertility, water use and quality, biodiversity, etc.) are evaluated. The results show that energy generation with certain agricultural process residues could not only improve and secure the energy supply but could also improve the sustainability of current land-use practices.
    Keywords: ddc:300
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: English
    Type: article , doc-type:article
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2024-04-24
    Description: Groundwater is a vital resource for humans, non-human species, and ecosystems. It has allowed the development of human evolution and civilizations throughout history (e.g., Wittfogel 1956, Tempelhoff et al. 2009, Cuthbert and Ashley 2014, Roberts 2014). However, it faces multiple potential threats that make it vulnerable and fragile. Climate change and human activities are the primary causes that have led to water cycle disruptions, particularly a decline in groundwater quality and quantity (e.g., Gleeson et al. 2020, Chaminé et al. 2022, Richardson et al. 2023). Climate variability has induced droughts, floods, and other extreme weather conditions, significantly impacting groundwater in many regions. Meanwhile, human activities such as over-abstraction, ground contamination, deforestation, land-use change, and other anthropogenic pressures have further compromised groundwater status. Nonetheless, groundwater continues to fulfill water demands in many regions or during specific periods. Therefore, concerted efforts are imperative to ensure its sustainability. So, conservation practices and nature-based solutions must be adopted to efficiently manage groundwater and shield it from additional potential hazards or risks (e.g., contamination, pollution, or over-abstraction). Failure to act quickly can result in the loss of this critical resource, with severe consequences for the economy, society, and ecosystems. From this perspective, it is imperative to prioritize actions underscored by technical-scientific integrity, environmental responsibility, societal sensitivity, and ethical practices.
    Description: Published
    Description: 97
    Description: OS: Terza missione
    Description: OSA5: Energia e georisorse
    Description: JCR Journal
    Keywords: groundwater ; resource management ; sustainability ; hydrogeoethics ; geoethics ; societal well-being ; 05.03. Educational, History of Science, Public Issues ; 03.02. Hydrology ; 04.04. Geology ; 05.09. Miscellaneous
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: article
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  • 5
    Wuppertal : Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
    Publication Date: 2022-11-10
    Description: "Transformative science" is a concept that delineates the new role of science for knowledge societies in the age of reflexive modernity. The paper develops the program of a transformative science, which goes beyond observing and analyzing societal transformations, but rather takes an active role in initiating and catalyzing change processes. The aim of transformative science is to achieve a deeper understanding of ongoing transformations and increased societal capacity for reflexivity with regard to these fundamental change processes. The concept of transformative science is grounded in an experimental paradigm, which has implications for (1) research, (2) education and learning, and (3) institutional structures and change in the science system. The article develops the theoretical foundations of the concept of transformative science and spells out the concrete implications in these three dimensions.
    Keywords: ddc:300
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: English
    Type: workingpaper , doc-type:workingPaper
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2022-02-18
    Description: Effective actions to mitigate climate change are urgently needed, especially in the context of cities, which are major sources of global CO2 emissions. Establishing and managing knowledge systems that integrate local knowledge can contribute to establishing more effective responses to climate change as well as transformative change towards sustainability. However, it is still unclear how new forms of urban governance should acquire, store, create, or disseminate knowledge for fostering sustainability transitions effectively. In this study, we present a multilevel knowledge system approach based on design principles informed especially by the knowledge management literature. These address (i) working environments across multiple levels, (ii) knowledge forms and types, and (iii) knowledge processes. We apply this approach to municipal climate action in the German energy transition. In particular, we focus on the operational work of municipal climate action managers of regional centers of Lower Saxony, one of the largest of the 16 federal states, and investigate their involvement in knowledge processes. Based on semi-structured interviews in 14 of the 17 regional centers, we show that structural pre-conditions for successful knowledge management and organizational learning are present. However, we also show that there is a need for improvement regarding (i) the multilevel coordination for accelerating routine operation, (ii) the persistence of local operational knowledge, and (iii) the exploitation of local innovations. Relying on these results, we offer general recommendations for municipal climate action and suggest that policies should (i) rely on local knowledge for effective decision-making, (ii) foster multilevel exchanges of explicit and tacit knowledge for implementation, and (iii) enable open-ended learning processes that leverage local innovations for creating usable transformational knowledge.
    Keywords: ddc:300
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: English
    Type: article , doc-type:article
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 7
    Wuppertal : Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Publication Date: 2022-02-18
    Description: The multi-level perspective has successfully been applied to the analysis of complex sector transitions in the energy, the health or the food production sector. Is this framework also helpful to understand and give prescriptive advice for sustainability transformations within a national science system? Based on a comprehensive study of the diffusion of transdisciplinary sustainability research in Germany, this article analyzes the institutional dimension of a changing science-society relation in the German science system. It uses the multi-level perspective as a fruitful heuristic in order to identify potential pathways for a broader diffusion of transdisciplinary sustainability science. The importance of niche coalitions of frontrunner universities and research institutes are highlighted.
    Keywords: ddc:300
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: English
    Type: article , doc-type:article
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2022-11-09
    Description: Zwei Drittel des heutigen Welthandels gründen auf globalen Wertschöpfungsketten und Versorgungsnetzen. Rein regionalwirtschaftlich organisierte Lieferketten haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten an Bedeutung verloren. Die Auswirkungen dieser globalisierten Strukturen sind vielfältig: Zum einen haben sie beschäftigungsfördernde Effekte und wirken wohlstandsstiftend. Zum anderen existieren entlang der Lieferketten extreme soziale, ökologische und ökonomische Schieflagen. Die COVID-19-Pandemie zeigt in erheblichem Maße, wie fragil bestehende Lieferkettensysteme sind. Der Lockdown unterbricht noch immer komplexe Lieferketten und viele Probleme der bestehenden Produktions- und Konsumweise verschärfen sich weiterhin. COVID-19 ist ein Beispiel einer der möglichen Krisen, welche die globalen und vernetzten Wertschöpfungsketten kurzfristig erschüttern kann. Andere Krisen entwickeln sich schleichender und damit weniger schnell erkennbar, wie etwa der globale Klimawandel. So unterschiedlich sie sind, haben die Krisen eines gemein: Sie zeigen die Verletzlichkeit globaler Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsstrukturen auf und verdeutlichen die Wirkungen globalen Handels auf die Regionen und Menschen der Welt. Die globale Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie setzt genau hier an - sie zielt darauf ab, Unterschiede und Ungleichheit in Chancen und Lebensqualität grundlegend zu vermindern. Deshalb sollte die Umsetzung der Nachhaltigkeitsziele auf internationaler, nationaler und regionaler Ebene eine Antwort auf solche Krisen sein. Da durch die Covid-19-Pandemie zeitgleich die komplette Welt in eine Umbruchsituation gedrängt wurde, bietet die Reaktion darauf an, Nachhaltigkeit als zentrale politische Resilienz-Strategie zu nutzen. Im Zuge der Corona-Pandemie flammte die Diskussion um resiliente Kommunen auf. Diese sollten sich stärker an regional- und kreislaufwirtschaftlichen Ansätzen orientieren, um angesichts solcher Pandemien die Versorgung weiterhin gewährleisten zu können. So wichtig und richtig die Entwicklung eigener regionalwirtschaftlicher und kreislauforientierter Ansätze im Kern ist, so wenig resilient ist es, wenn deren Entwicklung nicht unter globaler und nachhaltiger Perspektive erfolgt. Ziel sollten menschengerechte, nachhaltige und transparente Lieferketten sein, die auch bei plötzlich veränderten Rahmenbedingungen und Krisen richtungssicher die Versorgungssicherheit zur Deckung von Grundbedürfnissen und Daseinsvorsorge sicherstellen können. Das vorliegende Diskussionspapier zeichnet als Zukunftsszenario global kooperative, kreislauforientierte Regionalwirtschaften, die weltweite Ungleichheiten in Chancen und Lebensqualität grundlegend vermindern und dabei gleichsam die natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen dauerhaft bewahrt werden.
    Keywords: ddc:300
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: German
    Type: workingpaper , doc-type:workingPaper
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 9
    Wuppertal : Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie | Wuppertal : Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Publication Date: 2022-02-18
    Description: In diesem Wuppertal Paper unternehmen Claudia von Braunmühl und Uta von Winterfeld eine begriffliche Erkundung im Spannungsfeld von Nachhaltigkeit, Globalisierung und Demokratie. Sie beziehen sich vorrangig auf die Arbeiten der Enquete-Kommission des Deutschen Bundestages "Globalisierung der Weltwirtschaft" (2002) und stellen das dort verhandelte Konzept von Global Governance vor sowie seine demokratietheoretische Schwächen. Des weiteren geht es um zwei Denkrichtungen, die den Autorinnen geeignet erscheinen, der politischen Dimension und Problematik von Globalisierungsprozessen gerecht zu werden. In einem Abschnitt über "Nachhaltiges Regieren?" skizzieren sie, entlang welcher Rationalitätsmuster die Demokratiedefizite in Verbindung mit Globalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit verlaufen und verknüpfen diese Überlegungen mit der Debatte, die derzeit zum Themenkomplex "globale öffentliche Güter" geführt wird.
    Keywords: ddc:300
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: German
    Type: workingpaper , doc-type:workingPaper
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2019-01-18
    Description: In order to reconfigure global socio-economic systems to be compatible with social imperatives and planetary boundaries, a transition towards sustainable development is necessary. The multi-level perspective (MLP) has been developed to study long-term transformative change. This paper complements the MLP by providing an ontological framework for studying and understanding the role of narratives as the vehicle of meaning and intermediation between individual and social collective in the context of ongoing transitions. Narratives are established as an analytical entity to unpack how disturbances at the level of the socio-technical landscape are translated into and contribute to the transformation of socio-technical regimes. To illustrate and test the approach, it is applied to the case of the Fukushima catastrophe: The narratives in relation to nuclear power in Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom are scrutinized and it is explored how these narratives have co-determined the policy responses and thus influenced ongoing transformation processes in the power sectors of the respective countries.
    Keywords: ddc:300
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: English
    Type: article , doc-type:article
    Format: application/pdf
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