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  • Articles  (94)
  • Wiley  (59)
  • PANGAEA  (35)
  • 1
    Publication Date: 2023-09-27
    Description: While environmental science, and ecology in particular, is working to provide better understanding to base sustainable decisions on, the way scientific understanding is developed can at times be detrimental to this cause. Locked-in debates are often unnecessarily polarised and can compromise any common goals of the opposing camps. The present paper is inspired by a resolved debate from an unrelated field of psychology where Nobel laureate David Kahneman and Garry Klein turned what seemed to be a locked-in debate into a constructive process for their fields. The present paper is also motivated by previous discourses regarding the role of thresholds in natural systems for management and governance, but its scope of analysis targets the scientific process within complex social-ecological systems in general. We identified four features of environmental science that appear to predispose for locked-in debates: (1) The strongly context-dependent behaviour of ecological systems. (2) The dominant role of single hypothesis testing. (3) The high prominence given to theory demonstration compared investigation. (4) The effect of urgent demands to inform and steer policy. This fertile ground is further cultivated by human psychological aspects as well as the structure of funding and publication systems.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , peerRev
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2020-03-27
    Description: Widespread global declines in shellfish reefs (ecosystem-forming bivalves such as oysters and mussels) have led to growing interest in their restoration and protection. With restoration projects now occurring on four continents and in at least seven countries, global restoration guidelines for these ecosystems have been developed based on experience over the past two decades. The following key elements of the guidelines are outlined: (a) the case for shellfish reef resto- ration and securing financial resources; (b) planning, feasibility, and goal set- ting; (c) biosecurity and permitting; (d) restoration in practice; (e) scaling up from pilot to larger scale restoration, (f) monitoring, (g) restoration beyond oyster reefs (specifically mussels), and (h) successful communication for shell- fish reef restoration projects.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , peerRev
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2023-06-21
    Description: The calving of A-68, the 5,800-km2, 1-trillion-ton iceberg shed from the Larsen C Ice Shelf in July 2017, is one of over 10 significant ice-shelf loss events in the past few decades resulting from rapid warming around the Antarctic Peninsula. The rapid thinning, retreat, and collapse of ice shelves along the Antarctic Peninsula are harbingers of warming effects around the entire continent. Ice shelves cover more than 1.5 million km2 and fringe 75% of Antarctica's coastline, delineating the primary connections between the Antarctic continent, the continental ice, and the Southern Ocean. Changes in Antarctic ice shelves bring dramatic and large-scale modifications to Southern Ocean ecosystems and continental ice movements, with global-scale implications. The thinning and rate of future ice-shelf demise is notoriously unpredictable, but models suggest increased shelf-melt and calving will become more common. To date, little is known about sub-ice-shelf ecosystems, and our understanding of ecosystem change following collapse and calving is predominantly based on responsive science once collapses have occurred. In this review, we outline what is known about (a) ice-shelf melt, volume loss, retreat, and calving, (b) ice-shelf-associated ecosystems through sub-ice, sediment-core, and pre-collapse and post-collapse studies, and (c) ecological responses in pelagic, sympagic, and benthic ecosystems. We then discuss major knowledge gaps and how science might address these gaps. This article is categorized under: Climate, Ecology, and Conservation 〉 Modeling Species and Community Interactions.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , NonPeerReviewed
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2017-03-10
    Description: Global climate change affects marine fish through drivers such as ocean warming, acidification and oxygen depletion, causing changes in marine ecosystems and socioeconomic impacts. While experimental and observational results can inform about anticipated effects of different drivers, linking between these results and ecosystem-level changes requires quantitative integration of physiological and ecological processes into models to advance research and inform management. We give an overview of important physiological and ecological processes affected by environmental drivers. We then provide a review of available modelling approaches for marine fish, analysing their capacities for process-based integration of environmental drivers. Building on this, we propose approaches to advance important research questions. Examples of integration of environmental drivers exist for each model class. Recent extensions of modelling frameworks increase the potential for including detailed mechanisms and improving model projections. Experimental results on energy allocation, behaviour and physiological limitations will advance the understanding of organism-level trade-offs and thresholds in response to multiple drivers. More explicit representation of life cycles and biological traits can improve description of population dynamics and adaptation, and data on food web topology and feeding interactions help to detail the conditions for possible regime shifts. Identification of relevant processes will also benefit the coupling of different models to investigate spatial–temporal changes in stock productivity and integrated responses of social–ecological systems. Thus, a more process-informed foundation for models will promote the integration of experimental and observational results and increase the potential for model-based extrapolations into a future under changing environmental conditions.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2023-10-04
    Description: The current policy and goals aimed to conserve biodiversity and manage biodiversity change are often formulated at the global scale. At smaller scales however, biodiversity change is more nuanced leading to a plethora of trends in different metrics of alpha diversity and temporal turnover. Therefore, large-scale policy targets do not translate easily into local to regional management decisions for biodiversity. Using long-term monitoring data from the Wadden Sea (Southern North Sea), joining structural equation models and general dissimilarity models enabled a better overview of the drivers of biodiversity change. Few commonalities emerged as birds, fish, macroinvertebrates, and phytoplankton differed in their response to certain drivers of change. These differences were additionally dependent upon the biodiversity aspect in question and which environmental data were recorded in each monitoring program. No single biodiversity metric or model sufficed to capture all ongoing change, which requires an explicitly multivariate approaches to biodiversity assessment in local ecosystem management.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2024-03-21
    Description: Protist plankton are major members of open-water marine food webs. Traditionally divided between phototrophic phytoplankton and phagotrophic zooplankton, recent research shows many actually combine phototrophy and phagotrophy in the one cell; these protists are the “mixoplankton.” Under the mixoplankton paradigm, “phytoplankton” are incapable of phagotrophy (diatoms being exemplars), while “zooplankton” are incapable of phototrophy. This revision restructures marine food webs, from regional to global levels. Here, we present the first comprehensive database of marine mixoplankton, bringing together extant knowledge of the identity, allometry, physiology, and trophic interactivity of these organisms. This mixoplankton database (MDB) will aid researchers that confront difficulties in characterizing life traits of protist plankton, and it will benefit modelers needing to better appreciate ecology of these organisms with their complex functional and allometric predator–prey interactions. The MDB also identifies knowledge gaps, including the need to better understand, for different mixoplankton functional types, sources of nutrition (use of nitrate, prey types, and nutritional states), and to obtain vital rates (e.g. growth, photosynthesis, ingestion, factors affecting photo’ vs. phago’ -trophy). It is now possible to revisit and re-classify protistan “phytoplankton” and “zooplankton” in extant databases of plankton life forms so as to clarify their roles in marine ecosystems.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2023-09-22
    Description: There is still considerable debate about which mechanisms drive the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function (BEF). Although most scientists agree on the existence of two underlying mechanisms, complementarity and selection, experimental studies keep producing contrasting results on the relative contributions of the two effects. We present a spatially explicit resource competition model and investigate how the strength of these effects is influenced by trait and environmental variability, resource distribution, and species pool size. Our results demonstrate that the increase of biomass production with increasing species numbers depends on the concurrence of environmental and trait variability: BEF relationships are stronger if functionally different species coexist in a landscape with heterogeneous resource supply. These large biodiversity effects arise from complementarity effects, whereas selection effects are maximized when broad trait ranges coincide with narrow ranges of resource supply ratios. Our results will therefore help to resolve the debate on complementarity and selection mechanisms.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , peerRev
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2023-09-27
    Description: Field studies are essential to reliably quantify ecological responses to global change because they are exposed to realistic climate manipulations. Yet such studies are limited in replicates, resulting in less power and, therefore, potentially unreliable effect estimates. Furthermore, while manipulative field experiments are assumed to be more powerful than non-manipulative observations, it has rarely been scrutinized using extensive data. Here, using 3847 field experiments that were designed to estimate the effect of environmental stressors on ecosystems, we systematically quantified their statistical power and magnitude (Type M) and sign (Type S) errors. Our investigations focused upon the reliability of field experiments to assess the effect of stressors on both ecosystem's response magnitude and variability. When controlling for publication bias, single experiments were underpowered to detect response magnitude (median power: 18%–38% depending on effect sizes). Single experiments also had much lower power to detect response variability (6%–12% depending on effect sizes) than response magnitude. Such underpowered studies could exaggerate estimates of response magnitude by 2–3 times (Type M errors) and variability by 4–10 times. Type S errors were comparatively rare. These observations indicate that low power, coupled with publication bias, inflates the estimates of anthropogenic impacts. Importantly, we found that meta-analyses largely mitigated the issues of low power and exaggerated effect size estimates. Rather surprisingly, manipulative experiments and non-manipulative observations had very similar results in terms of their power, Type M and S errors. Therefore, the previous assumption about the superiority of manipulative experiments in terms of power is overstated. These results call for highly powered field studies to reliably inform theory building and policymaking, via more collaboration and team science, and large-scale ecosystem facilities. Future studies also require transparent reporting and open science practices to approach reproducible and reliable empirical work and evidence synthesis.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , peerRev
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2023-09-27
    Description: 〈jats:p〉Anthropogenic climate change is altering global biogeographical patterns. However, it remains difficult to quantify how bioregions are changing because pre‐industrial records of species distributions are rare. Marine microfossils, such as planktonic foraminifera, are preserved in seafloor sediments and allow the quantification of bioregions in the past. Using a recently compiled data set of pre‐industrial species composition of planktonic foraminifera in 3802 worldwide seafloor sediments, we employed multivariate and statistical model‐based approaches to study spatial turnover in order to 1) quantify planktonic foraminifera bioregions and 2) understand the environmental drivers of species turnover. Four latitudinally banded bioregions emerge from the global assemblage data. The polar and temperate bioregions are bi‐hemispheric, supporting the idea that planktonic foraminifera species are not limited by dispersal. The equatorial bioregion shows complex longitudinal patterns and overlaps in sea surface temperature (SST) range with the tropical bioregion. Compositional‐turnover models (Bayesian bootstrap generalised dissimilarity models) identify SST as the strongest driver of species turnover. The turnover rate is constant across most of the SST gradient, showing no SST threshold values with rapid shifts in species composition, but decelerates above 25°C, suggesting SST is less predictive of species composition in warmer waters. Other environmental predictors affect species turnover non‐linearly, and their importance differs across regions. In the Pacific ocean, net primary productivity below 500 mgC m〈jats:sup〉−2〈/jats:sup〉 day〈jats:sup〉−1〈/jats:sup〉 drives fast compositional change. Water depth values below 3000 m (which affect calcareous microfossil preservation) increasingly drive changes in species composition among death assemblages in the Pacific and Indian oceans. Together, our results suggest that the dynamics of planktonic foraminifera bioregions are expected to be highly responsive to climate change; however, at lower latitudes, environmental drivers other than SST may affect these dynamics.〈/jats:p〉
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , peerRev
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2023-08-08
    Description: Aim: The distribution of mesoplankton communities has been poorly studied at global scale, especially from in situ instruments. This study aims to (1) describe the global distribution of mesoplankton communities in relation to their environment and (2) as-sess the ability of various environmental- based ocean regionalizations to explain the distribution of these communities. Location: Global ocean, 0–500 m depth. Time Period: 2008–2019. Major Taxa Studied: Twenty-eight groups of large mesoplanktonic and macroplank-tonic organisms, covering Metazoa, Rhizaria and Cyanobacteria. Methods: From a global data set of 2500 vertical profiles making use of the Underwater Vision Profiler 5 (UVP5), an in situ imaging instrument, we studied the global distribu-tion of large (〉600 μm) mesoplanktonic organisms. Among the 6.8 million imaged ob-jects, 330,000 were large zooplanktonic organisms and phytoplankton colonies, the rest consisting of marine snow particles. Multivariate ordination (PCA) and clustering were used to describe patterns in community composition, while comparison with existing regionalizations was performed with regression methods (RDA). Results: Within the observed size range, epipelagic plankton communities were Trichodesmium- enriched in the intertropical Atlantic, Copepoda- enriched at high latitudes and in upwelling areas, and Rhizaria-enriched in oligotrophic areas. In the mesopelagic layer, Copepoda-enriched communities were also found at high lati-tudes and in the Atlantic Ocean, while Rhizaria-enriched communities prevailed in the Peruvian upwelling system and a few mixed communities were found elsewhere. The comparison between the distribution of these communities and a set of existing regionalizations of the ocean suggested that the structure of plankton communities described above is mostly driven by basin- level environmental conditions. Main Conclusions: In both layers, three types of plankton communities emerged and seemed to be mostly driven by regional environmental conditions. This work sheds light on the role not only of metazoans, but also of unexpected large protists and cy-anobacteria in structuring large mesoplankton communities.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , peerRev
    Format: application/pdf
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