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  • Moscow (Russia)  (8)
  • Copernicus Publications (EGU)  (3)
  • Cnr Edizioni  (2)
  • 2020-2023  (13)
Document type
  • 1
    Publication Date: 2022-12-21
    Description: The proposed recommendations are seen as a logical development of research aimed at assessing the state of the resource base and catch forecasting for brine shrimp and brine shrimp at the stage of cysts for different timing. Their special feature is the use of a unified methodical approach which takes into account the qualitative composition of populations and the background conditions of their habitat.
    Description: Предложенные рекомендации являются логическим развитием исследований, направленных на оценку состояния сырьевой базы и формирование прогнозов вылова артемии и артемии (на стадии цист) различной заблаговременности. Их особенность в использовании единого методического подхода для учёта качественного состава популяций и фоновых условий среды их обитания.
    Description: Published
    Description: Non Refereed
    Keywords: Brine shrimp ; Stock assessment ; Artemia ; Food resources ; Methodology ; Recommended catches ; Рекомендованный вылов ; Цисты ; Артемия ; Оценка запасов ; ASFA_2015::B::Brine shrimp eggs ; ASFA_2015::C::Cysts ; ASFA_2015::F::Forecasting
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: Conference Material
    Format: 3pp.
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2022-12-21
    Description: The article provides the acoustic assessments of the population and biomass of Pacific salmon in the Aleutian waters of the Pacific Ocean in the winter 2022. Spatial distributions of the main salmon species were obtained, daily vertical migrations were considered.
    Description: В работе представлены акустические оценки численности и биомассы тихоокеанских лососей в приалеутских водах Тихого океана в зимний период 2022 г. Были получены пространственные распределения основных видов лососей, рассмотрены их суточные вертикальные миграции.
    Description: Published
    Description: Non Refereed
    Keywords: Pacific salmon ; Spatial distribution ; Vertical migrations ; Sockeye salmon ; Hydroacoustics ; Echosounders ; Chum salmon ; Тихоокеанские лососи ; Нерка ; Кета ; ASFA_2015::A::Acoustic sensing ; ASFA_2015::S::Salmon fisheries ; ASFA_2015::B::Biomass
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: Conference Material
    Format: 4pp.
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  • 3
    Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) | Moscow (Russia)
    Publication Date: 2022-12-21
    Description: The study of the hydrochemical regime of a water body is a prerequisite for its monitoring. Hydrochemical indicators indicate water quality and dynamics of intrabasin processes. Among the main hydrochemical characteristics are: oxygen regime, the concentration of biogenic elements and organic substances in water.
    Description: Изучение гидрохимического режима водоема является обязательным условием при мониторинге водных объектов. Гидрохимические показатели указывают на качество воды и динамику внутриводоемных процессов. В числе основных гидрохимических характеристик: кислородный режим, содержание биогенных элементов и органических веществ в воде.
    Description: Published
    Description: Non Refereed
    Keywords: Surface water quality ; Oxygen regime ; Hydrochemistry ; Salmon farms ; Biogenic elements ; Гидрохимические показатели ; Кислородный режим ; Внутриводоемные процессы ; ASFA_2015::W::Water quality control ; ASFA_2015::O::Organic matter ; ASFA_2015::B::Biogenic sediments
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: Conference Material
    Format: 3pp.
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  • 4
    Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) | Moscow (Russia)
    Publication Date: 2022-12-21
    Description: The article provides with the up-to-date data characterizing the current state of commercial invertebrates in inland waters and the level of its exploitation. The author briefly outlines the issues of regulation of industrial fishing.
    Description: В работе представлены актуальные данные, характеризующие современное состояние сырьевой базы промысловых беспозвоночных внутренних вод и уровень ее эксплуатации, а также кратко изложены вопросы регулирования промышленного рыболовства.
    Description: Published
    Description: Non Refereed
    Keywords: Stock assessment ; Cysts ; Artemia ; Chironomids ; Brine shrimp ; Оценка запасов ; Гаммариды ; Хирономиды ; Артемия ; ASFA_2015::F::Food resources ; ASFA_2015::C::Commercial species ; ASFA_2015::C::Commercial fisheries
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: Conference Material
    Format: 3pp.
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2022-06-28
    Description: Nitrogen fixers, or diazotrophs, play a key role in the carbon and nitrogen cycle of the world oceans, but the controlling mechanisms are not comprehensively understood yet. The present study compares two paradigms on the ecological niche of diazotrophs in an Earth System Model (ESM). In our standard model configuration, which is representative for most of the state-of-the-art pelagic ecosystem models, diazotrophs take advantage of zooplankton featuring a lower food preference for diazotrophs than for ordinary phytoplankton. We compare this paradigm with the idea that diazotrophs are more competitive under oligotrophic conditions, characterized by low (dissolved, particulate, organic and inorganic) phosphorous availability. Both paradigms are supported by observational evidence and lead to a similar good agreement to the most recent and advanced observation-based nitrogen fixation estimate in our ESM framework. Further, we illustrate that the similarity between the two paradigms breaks in a RCP 8.5 anthropogenic emission scenario. We conclude that a more advanced understanding of the ecological niche of diazotrophs is mandatory for assessing the cycling of essential nutrients, especially under changing environmental conditions. Our results call for more in-situ measurements of cyanobacteria biomass if major controls of nitrogen fixation in the oceans are to be dissected.
    Type: Article , NonPeerReviewed
    Format: text
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2022-04-07
    Description: Nitrogen fixers, or diazotrophs, play a key role in the carbon and nitrogen cycle of the world oceans, but the controlling mechanisms are not comprehensively understood yet. The present study compares two paradigms on the ecological niche of diazotrophs in an Earth System Model (ESM). In our standard model configuration, which is representative for most of the state-of-the-art pelagic ecosystem models, diazotrophs take advantage of zooplankton featuring a lower food preference for diazotrophs than for ordinary phytoplankton. We compare this paradigm with the idea that diazotrophs are more competitive under oligotrophic conditions, characterized by low (dissolved, particulate, organic and inorganic) phosphorous availability. Both paradigms are supported by observational evidence and lead to a similar good agreement to the most recent and advanced observation-based nitrogen fixation estimate in our ESM framework. Further, we illustrate that the similarity between the two paradigms breaks in a RCP 8.5 anthropogenic emission scenario. We conclude that a more advanced understanding of the ecological niche of diazotrophs is mandatory for assessing the cycling of essential nutrients, especially under changing environmental conditions. Our results call for more in-situ measurements of cyanobacteria biomass if major controls of nitrogen fixation in the oceans are to be dissected.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
    Format: text
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  • 7
    Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) | Moscow (Russia)
    Publication Date: 2022-12-21
    Description: The paper analyzes the amateur fishing catches in the Cheboksary Reservoir within the boundaries of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. The seasonal dynamics of catch, species and size composition of captured aquatic biological resources are considered. Information on the number of visits to the water body and the fishing gear used is also provided.
    Description: В работе проводится анализ уловов рыболовов-любителей на Чебоксарском водохранилище в границах Нижегородской области. Рассматривается сезонная динамика вылова, видовой и размерный состав отловленных водных биоресурсов. Также приводится информация о количестве посещений водного объекта и используемых орудиях лова.
    Description: Published
    Description: Non Refereed
    Keywords: Amateur fishing ; Fish catch statistics ; Любительское рыболовство ; Водные биологические ресурсы ; Сезонная динамика ; Размерный состав ; Sander lucioperca ; Alburnus alburnus ; Abramis brama ; ASFA_2015::A::Aquatic living resources ; ASFA_2015::F::Fishing gear ; ASFA_2015::S::Size distribution
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: Conference Material
    Format: 3pp.
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  • 8
    Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) | Moscow (Russia)
    Publication Date: 2022-12-21
    Description: This article identifies the factors affecting the efficiency of its spawning in modern conditions of the Kuibyshev Reservoir, based on data on the number of perch larvae.
    Description: В данной работе на основе данных по численности личинок окуня выявлены факторы, влияющие на эффективность его нереста в современных условиях Куйбышевского водохранилища.
    Description: Published
    Description: Non Refereed
    Keywords: Spawning efficiency ; River perch ; Речной окунь ; Эффективность нереста ; Perca fluviatilis ; ASFA_2015::A::Abundance ; ASFA_2015::F::Fish larvae ; ASFA_2015::S::Spawning grounds
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: Conference Material
    Format: 3pp.
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2022-07-14
    Description: Women20 (W20) è uno dei gruppi di interesse della società civile, i cosiddetti G20 Engagement Group, che hanno come scopo quello di elaborare proposte di policy per i leader dei paesi membri del G20. W20 è focalizzato in particolare sull’eguaglianza di genere. L’articolo illustra le attività W20 nel 2021, l’anno della presidenza italiana del G20. In particolare vengono illustrati i risultati di due sottogruppi di lavoro: Digital e Environmental Sustainability.
    Description: Published
    Description: 11-43
    Description: 2TM. Divulgazione Scientifica
    Keywords: women20 ; G20 ; genere ; raccomandazioni ; ambiente ; environmental sustainability ; donne ; gender ; policy ; eguaglianza di genere ; 05.03. Educational, History of Science, Public Issues ; 05.09. Miscellaneous
    Repository Name: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
    Type: book chapter
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  • 10
    Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) | Moscow (Russia)
    Publication Date: 2022-12-21
    Description: In food biotechnology, special attention is paid to biotransformation of bacterial starter cultures by promising strains for obtaining food products with improved quality characteristics and functionality. Bacterial starters can be used in biotransformation to increase the storage life of fish products, improving their organoleptic characteristics and increasing their nutritional value due to the formation of their life activity metabolites, which are the main factor of bioconservation and synthesis of vitamins and other biologically active substances. Probiotic characteristics of bacterial starter cultures have a significant impact on optimization of the microbiological status of the human digestive tract, which helps to stimulate the immune system and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The use of industrially valuable strains of bioprotective probiotic microorganisms is a promising biotechnological trend. This trend is related to the interest of the population of the Russian Federation in probiotic products.
    Description: В пищевой биотехнологии особое внимание уделяется биотрансформации перспективными штаммами бактериальных заквасочных культур для получения пищевой продукции с улучшенными качественными характеристиками и функциональной направленностью. Биотрансформация с использованием бактериальных заквасочных культур может быть способом повышения сроков годности рыбной продукции, улучшения ее органолептических свойств и повышения питательной ценности за счет образования метаболитов их жизнедеятельности, являющихся основным фактором биоконсервирования и синтеза витаминов и других биологически активных веществ. Пробиотические свойства бактериальных заквасочных культур оказывают существенное влияние на оптимизацию микробиологического статуса пищеварительного тракта человека, что способствует стимулированию иммунной системы и поддержанию здорового образа жизни. Использование промышленно ценных штаммов биозащитных пробиотических микроорганизмов является перспективным биотехнологическим направлением. Эта тенденция связана с интересом населения РФ к продукции с пробиотической направленностью.
    Description: Published
    Description: Non Refereed
    Keywords: Biotransformation ; Bioprotection ; Bioconservation ; Probiotic microorganisms ; Food products ; Биотрансформация ; Биоконсервирование ; Биозащитные пробиотические микроорганизмы ; ASFA_2015::B::Biotechnology ; ASFA_2015::M::Microorganisms ; ASFA_2015::S::Strain
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: Conference Material
    Format: 5pp.
    Location Call Number Limitation Availability
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