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  • 1
    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research OC and SCOR, Paris, France and Newark, Delaware USA, 52 pp.
    In:  EPIC3Second Open Science Meeting. Progress in Interpreting Life History and Growth Dynamics of Harmful Algal Blooms in Fjords and Coastal Environments., Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research OC and SCOR, Paris, France and Newark, Delaware USA, 52 pp., GEOHAB(10), 52 p.
    Publication Date: 2019-07-17
    Description: As part of the activities of the Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (GEOHAB)programme, Open Science Meetings (OSMs) have been organized to discuss and synthesize research efforts on various aspects of harmful algal blooms (HABs), and to plan future collaborative activities relevant to the research theme. Within this framework, the steering committee of the GEOHAB Core Research Project on HABs in Fjords and Coastal Embayments has organized two OSMs. The first OSM was held in 2004 in Santiago, Chile; the major goals were to identify the primary research priorities and to initiate an agenda to further our understanding of HAB dynamics in these small-scale coastal systems. The second OSM was held in May 2012 in Victoria,Canada to highlight the progress accomplished since the first OSM and to focus attention on the importance of a comparative approach in conducting ecosystem studies to improve our understanding of HABs. This second OSM addressed four major themes for which significant advances have been made in recent years, with particular focus on their application to semi-enclosed basins linked to coastal ecosystems: (1) Life history of HAB species; (2) Chemical ecological and toxin interactions; (3) Genetic diversity and (4) Transport and mixing of blooms in small-scale, mesoscale and semi-confined systems. This Report presents the major outcomes of this OSM, followed by recommendations for future collaborative studies. These recommendations include the maintenance of international activities on the ecology and oceanography of HABs after the end of the GEOHAB programme in December 2013. A future agenda should focus on a few key questions with clearly identifiable deliverables. These questions should include the development of (i) improved methods to determine the rates of cyst formation and germination in the field, and (ii) coupled biological-physical-chemical models more appropriate to small-scale environments and which incorporate the role of allelochemicals and toxins, as well as the pelagic and benthic coupling components. Research devoted to life history stages should be continued, particularly with respect to fish-killing algal species that cause particular damage in coastal environments. The influence of aquaculture activities on the development of HABs is poorly understood and should be of greater concern in future research on HABs. The influence of climate change, which may be exacerbated in coastal environments, also should be a focus of future research. Long-term ecological research should be encouraged in this respect, in order to make better predictions in the future concerning the development of HABs in coastal environments.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Miscellaneous , notRev
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2022-02-18
    Description: Consumption of natural resources should not exceed sustainable levels. The increasing use of biofuels and to some extent biomaterials, on top of rising food and feed demands, is causing countries to use a growing amount of global land, which may lead to land use conflicts and the expansion of cropland and intensive cultivation at the expense of natural ecosystems. Selective product certification cannot control the land use change triggered by growing overall biomass consumption. We propose a comprehensive approach to account for the global land use of countries for their domestic consumption, and assess this level with regard to globally acceptable levels of resource use, based on the concept of safe operating space. It is shown that the European Union currently uses one-third more cropland than globally available on a per capita basis and that with constant consumption levels it would exceed its fair share of acceptable resource use in 2030. As the use of global forests to meet renewable energy targets is becoming a concern, an approach to account for sustainable levels of timber flows is also proposed, based on the use of net annual increment, exemplified with preliminary data for Switzerland. Altogether, our approach would integrate the concept of sustainable consumption into national resource management plans; offering a conceptual basis and concrete reference values for informed policy making and urging countries to monitor and adjust their levels of resource consumption in a comprehensive way, respectful of the limits of sustainable supply.
    Keywords: ddc:600
    Repository Name: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie
    Language: English
    Type: article , doc-type:article
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2012-10-01
    Description:    Pesticides are widely used in modern agriculture to minimize financial losses and maintain food supplies. In southeast Asia, where agriculture is the principal economic activity, pesticides are considered essential, particularly in tropical regions seeking to enter the global economy by providing off-season fresh fruits and vegetables. The absence of a strong legal framework for pesticides facilitated a significant increase in the use of low-quality pesticides. Farmers ignore the risks, safety instructions, and protective directives when using pesticides. They are only concerned about the effectiveness of the pesticides for killing pests, without paying attention to the effects on their health and the environment. The improper usage of pesticides and the incorrect disposal of pesticide wastes contributed to the pollution of groundwater, surface water, and soil, and induced health problems in local communities. This paper describes the impact of the exposure of pesticides on human health and water resources in connection with the usage of pesticides and their management. Because of availability, the data are mainly taken for Northern Vietnam, and applied to the water quality in the delta; nevertheless, the problem relates to all countries in the delta, and similar situations may be found in other regions, particularly in Asia. Content Type Journal Article Category ORIGINAL ARTICLE Pages 1-9 DOI 10.1007/s10163-012-0081-x Authors Pham Thi Thuy, Laboratory of Applied Physical Chemistry and Environmental Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, K.U. Leuven, W. de Croylaan 46, 3001 Leuven, Belgium Steven Van Geluwe, Laboratory of Applied Physical Chemistry and Environmental Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, K.U. Leuven, W. de Croylaan 46, 3001 Leuven, Belgium Viet-Anh Nguyen, Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, 55 Giai Phong Road, Hanoi, Vietnam Bart Van der Bruggen, Laboratory of Applied Physical Chemistry and Environmental Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, K.U. Leuven, W. de Croylaan 46, 3001 Leuven, Belgium Journal Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management Online ISSN 1611-8227 Print ISSN 1438-4957
    Print ISSN: 1438-4957
    Electronic ISSN: 1611-8227
    Topics: Energy, Environment Protection, Nuclear Power Engineering
    Published by Springer
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2020-02-12
    Description: The scope of this Science Plan is to describe the scientific background, applications, and activities related to the EnMAP mission. Primarily, the Science Plan addresses scientists and funding institutions, but it may also be of interest for environmental stakeholders and governmental bodies. It is conceived to be a living document that will be updated throughout the whole mission. Current global challenges call for interdisciplinary approaches. Hence, the science plan is not structured in the traditional disciplinary way. Instead, it builds on overarching research themes to which EnMAP can contribute. This Science Plan comprises the following five chapters presenting the significance, background, framework, applications, and strategy of the EnMAP mission: Chapter 2 highlights the need for EnMAP data with respect to major environmental issues and various stakeholders. This chapter states the mission’s main objectives and provides a list of research themes addressing global challenges to whose understanding and management EnMAP can contribute. Chapter 3 presents an overview of the EnMAP mission from a scientific point of view including a brief description of the mission parameters, data products and access, and calibration/validation issues. Chapter 4 provides an overview of hyperspectral remote sensing regarding its principles, development, and current state and synergies to other satellite missions. Chapter 5 describes current lines of research and EnMAP applications to address the research themes presented in Chapter 2. Finally, Chapter 6 outlines the scientific exploitation strategy, which includes the strategy for community building, dissemination of knowledge and increasing public awareness.
    Language: English
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2022-08-16
    Description: 13th Annual Conference of IAMSLIC held 5-9 October, 1987 at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
    Type: Proceedings , NonPeerReviewed
    Format: text
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2024-02-07
    Description: A comprehensive understanding of the deep-sea environment and mining’s likely impacts is necessary to assess whether and under what conditions deep-seabed mining operations comply with the International Seabed Authority’s obligations to prevent ‘serious harm’ and ensure the ‘effective protection of the marine environment from harmful effects’ in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. A synthesis of the peer-reviewed literature and consultations with deep-seabed mining stakeholders revealed that, despite an increase in deep-sea research, there are few categories of publicly available scientific knowledge comprehensive enough to enable evidence-based decision-making regarding environmental management, including whether to proceed with mining in regions where exploration contracts have been granted by the International Seabed Authority. Further information on deep-sea environmental baselines and mining impacts is critical for this emerging industry. Closing the scientific gaps related to deep-seabed mining is a monumental task that is essential to fulfilling the overarching obligation to prevent serious harm and ensure effective protection, and will require clear direction, substantial resources, and robust coordination and collaboration. Based on the information gathered, we propose a potential high-level road map of activities that could stimulate a much-needed discussion on the steps that should be taken to close key scientific gaps before any exploitation is considered. These steps include the definition of environmental goals and objectives, the establishment of an international research agenda to generate new deep-sea environmental, biological, and ecological information, and the synthesis of data that already exist.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed , info:eu-repo/semantics/article
    Format: text
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2018-09-28
    Description: Maritime industries routinely collect critical environmental data needed for sustainable management of marine ecosystems, supporting both the blue economy and future growth. Collating this information would provide a valuable resource for all stakeholders. For the North Sea, the oil and gas industry has been a dominant presence for over 50 years that has contributed to a wealth of knowledge about the environment. As the industry begins to decommission its offshore structures, this information will be critical for avoiding duplication of effort in data collection and ensuring best environmental management of offshore activities. This paper summarises the outcomes of a Blue Growth Data Challenge Workshop held in 2017 with participants from: the oil and gas industry; the key UK regulatory and management bodies for oil and gas decommissioning; open access data facilitators; and academic and research institutes. Here, environmental data collection and archiving by oil and gas operators in the North Sea are described, alongside how this compares to other offshore industries; what the barriers and opportunities surrounding environmental data sharing are; and how wider data sharing from offshore industries could be achieved. Five primary barriers to data sharing were identified: 1) Incentives, 2) Risk Perception, 3) Working Cultures, 4) Financial Models, and 5) Data Ownership. Active and transparent communication and collaboration between stakeholders including industry, regulatory bodies, data portals and academic institutions will be key to unlocking the data that will be critical to informing responsible decommissioning decisions for offshore oil and gas structures in the North Sea.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Article , isiRev
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2020-09-23
    Description: Tourism in Antarctica is increasing, with visitors mostly choosing ship cruises often advertised as “Last chance tourism” taking advantage of increasing climate change awareness. While the existing guidelines for tourist operators are designed to protect this fragile region, many aspects of the local fauna, such as animal distribution and behavior, are still largely unknown due to difficulties studying these species. Without supporting data, it is challenging to design effective measures that minimize negative impacts of cruise ships on the Antarctic environment. A potential negative impact is the anthropogenic underwater noise generated by the vessels visiting the areas. Marine mammals rely on sound for many purposes such as foraging, orientation and reproduction. Ship noise can therefore potentially affect critical life phases of these species. Here we present a case study investigating how vessel acoustic presence affects the vocal behavior and timing of acoustic presence of leopard seals (Hydrurga leptonyx, LS) and Ross seals (Ommatophoca rossii, RS). RS are one of the least studied Antarctic species. Both pinniped spe cies are known to mainly produce underwater sounds during the mating season, presumably to attract mating partners in pack-ice areas. The German research icebreaker Polarstern (PS) annually resupplies Neumayer Station III (NS) - the German Antarctic Research Facility. Its arrival at the pier where cargo is unloaded has been noted to coincide with the onset of pinniped vocal activity in this area. Here, we use passive acoustic data that were recorded close to the pier over a 5-year period to investigate and compare how seal vocal behavior and vocal activity relate to the timing of ship arrival, presence and departure. The seals’ behavior over the relatively short analysis period of 5 years was complex due to their natural calling variation within life phases (before, during and after mating season). Thus, interpretation was not always straightforward. The arrival timing of the PS had an effect on RS, which delayed their appearance in 2010 and 2011 coinciding with the anticipated arrival of the ice-breaker. However, once arrived, both species showed no avoidance behavior and calling times remained unchanged despite PS. LS and RS calling activity decreased significantly during PS presence, but tended to recover instantly post PS departure. It is therefore unlikely that the animals left the area completely and decrease in calling may instead be related to masking. However, further research is needed to further explore what caused the decrease in calling. Both LS and RS seemed to use higher frequency call types during PS presence. The seals’ arrival times are also affected by prevailing ice conditions and associated food distribution. LS arrival time differed within the 5 years, whereas the RS arrived slightly earlier each year. The marine soundscape planning approach was applied to explore how ship arrivals can be timed to minimize potential disturbances. Ship quietening techniques and reduced ship speeds can also contribute to reduced underwater noise levels. Lastly, stricter legislative measures are needed to regulate which regions during which periods can be used for tourism.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Thesis , notRev
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 9
    Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS)
    In:  EPIC3Longyearbyen, Norway, Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS), 96 p., ISBN: 978-82-93871-03-3
    Publication Date: 2022-07-04
    Description: Executive Summary The State of Environmental Science in Svalbard (SESS) report 2021 together with its predecessors contributes to the documentation of the state of the Arctic environment in and around Svalbard, and highlights research conducted within the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS). Climate change is a global problem, but many of its impacts are being felt most strongly in the Arctic. Given its remote but accessible location, Svalbard constitutes an ideal place to study the Arctic environment in general, including, more specifically, the causes and consequences of climate change. The Arctic Climate Change Update (2021) emphasised the severity of global climate change for ecosystems across the Arctic. They are undergoing radical changes regarding their structure and functioning, affecting flora, fauna and livelihoods of Arctic communities. Oceanic ecosystems and food webs are directly and indirectly altered by the warming and freshening of the Arctic Ocean. A prolonged open water period and the expansion of open water areas caused by declining sea ice affect under-ice productivity and diversity. These changes have cascading effects through ecosystems and impact the distribution, abundance and seasonality of a variety of marine species. Svalbard is located at one of the key oceanic gateways to the Arctic. This land–ice–ocean transition zone is a system particularly vulnerable to environmental changes. Svalbard’s environment is influenced by maritime processes; thus extensive observation of the ocean system is nowadays necessary. The chapter on the iMOP project reports seawater temperature and salinity variability over the last decades and indicates changes of Svalbard fjord seawater properties. The chapter highlights the role of a collaborative and supportive network of observatory operators and encourages joint planning and maintenance of future marine observatories. Arctic vegetation plays a key role in land–atmosphere interactions. Alterations can lead to ecosystem–climate feedbacks and exacerbate climate change. Extreme precipitation events are already becoming more frequent. Together with an increasing rain-to-snow ratio they impact the structure and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Dynamics in Arctic tundra ecosystems are expected to undergo fundamental changes with increasing temperatures as predicted by climate models. To detect, document, understand and predict those changes, COAT Svalbard provides a long-term and real-time operational observation system through ecosystem-based terrestrial monitoring. The observation system consists of six modules comprising food web pathways as well as one climate-monitoring module and focuses on two contrasting regions in Svalbard to allow for intercomparison. To date, the project has done an initial assessment of tundra ecosystems in Norway and will now begin with the long-term ecosystembased monitoring. For remote regions such as the Svalbard archipelago, terrestrial photography is a crucial addition to satellite imagery, because land-based cameras offer high temporal resolution and insensitivity towards varying weather conditions. PASSES provides an overview of cameras operating in Svalbard managed by research institutions and private companies. The survey revealed difficulties and knowledge gaps preventing the full potential of the terrestrial photography network in Svalbard from being used. Therefore, PASSES recommends the creation of a Svalbard camera system network. The effects of climate change contributed to a specific anomaly of the springtime Arctic atmosphere, namely a pronounced depletion of stratospheric ozone during March and April 2020, which can be called an Arctic ozone hole. In Svalbard, the amount of ozone loss was recorded by ground-based dedicated spectroscopic instruments measuring the total ozone column as well as the UV irradiance (EXAODEP-2020, an update of UV Ozone). The latter is important for effects on the biota. Corresponding erythemal daily doses for spring 2020 show a doubling compared to previous years with less or no ozone depletion. While the correspondence between ozone loss and increase in UV doses follows a well-known relationship, the possible later consequences of the observed springtime increase of UV doses on Svalbard’s environment need to be further studied. A particular method to observe the Svalbard environment, which has seen a very strong increase in usage during recent years, is the application of unmanned airborne or marine vehicles. The update on recent publications using these devices (UAV Svalbard) reveals that especially conventional remotely operated aerial vehicles (drones) with camera equipment are now widely used. It is recommended to SIOS to foster interdisciplinary communication among the multitude of drone users to establish exchange of information and data. New EU regulations for drone operations are being put in place from 2022 onwards also in Svalbard. Climate services are receiving more and more attention from Arctic countries, because they translate data into relevant and timely information, thereby supporting governments, societies and industries in planning and decision-making processes. SIOS contributes to climate services by providing research infrastructure with an overarching goal to develop and maintain a regional observational system for long-term measurements in and around Svalbard. The SIOS Core Data (SCD) consists of a list of essential Earth System Science variables relevant to determine environmental change in the Arctic. SCD is developed to improve the relevance and availability of scientific information addressing ESS topics for decision-making. SIOS Core Data providers have committed to maintain the observations for at least five years, to make the data publicly available, and to follow advanced principles of scientific data management and stewardship. Arctic climate change is posing risks to the safety, health and well-being of Arctic communities and ecosystems. Still, there remain gaps in our understanding of physical processes and societal implications. The authors of the SESS chapters have highlighted some unanswered questions and suggested concrete actions that should be taken to address them. The editors would like to thank the authors for their valuable contributions to the SESS Report 2021. These chapters illustrate how SIOS projects contribute to ensure the future vitality and resilience of Arctic peoples, communities and ecosystems.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Book , NonPeerReviewed
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2021-02-08
    Description: To enable successful management of marine bioinvasions, timely and robust scientific advice is required. This knowledge should inform managers and stakeholders on the magnitude of a pressure (rate of human-mediated introductions), the environmental state of an ecosystem (impacts of non-indigenous species), and the success of management response (prevention, eradication, mitigation). This advice often relies on baseline biodiversity information in the form of measureable parameters (metrics). This can be derived from conventional approaches such as visual surveys, but also by utilizing environmental DNA/RNA-based molecular techniques, which are increasingly being touted as promising tools for assessing biodiversity and detecting rare or invasive species. Depending on the stage of incursion, each approach has merits and limitations. In this review we assess the performance of biosecurity-relevant biodiversity parameters derived from eDNA/eRNA samples and discuss the results in relation to different stages of invasion and management applications. The overall performance of considered methods ranged between 42 and 90% based on defined criteria, with target-specific approaches scoring higher for respective biosecurity applications, followed by eDNA metabarcoding. Caveats are discussed along with avenues which may enhance these techniques and their successful uptake for marine biosecurity surveillance and management. To facilitate and encourage uptake of these techniques, there is a need for an international collaborative framework aimed at unifying molecular sampling and analysis methodologies. Improvement of quantitative capacity and cost-efficiency will also enhance their integration in biosecurity programmes.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
    Format: text
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