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  • 1
    Publication Date: 2024-04-22
    Description: The Global Consortium for the Classification of Fungi and fungus-like taxa is an international initiative of more than 550 mycologists to develop an electronic structure for the classification of these organisms. The members of the Consortium originate from 55 countries/regions worldwide, from a wide range of disciplines, and include senior, mid-career and early-career mycologists and plant pathologists. The Consortium will publish a biannual update of the Outline of Fungi and funguslike taxa, to act as an international scheme for other scientists. Notes on all newly published taxa at or above the level of species will be prepared and published online on the Outline of Fungi website (, and these will be finally published in the biannual edition of the Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa. Comments on recent important taxonomic opinions on controversial topics will be included in the biannual outline. For example, ‘to promote a more stable taxonomy in Fusarium given the divergences over its generic delimitation’, or ‘are there too many genera in the Boletales?’ and even more importantly, ‘what should be done with the tremendously diverse ‘dark fungal taxa?’ There are undeniable differences in mycologists’ perceptions and opinions regarding species classification as well as the establishment of new species. Given the pluralistic nature of fungal taxonomy and its implications for species concepts and the nature of species, this consortium aims to provide a platform to better refine and stabilise fungal classification, taking into consideration views from different parties. In the future, a confidential voting system will be set up to gauge the opinions of all mycologists in the Consortium on important topics. The results of such surveys will be presented to the International Commission on the Taxonomy of Fungi (ICTF) and the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi (NCF) with opinions and percentages of votes for and against. Criticisms based on scientific evidence with regards to nomenclature, classifications, and taxonomic concepts will be welcomed, and any recommendations on specific taxonomic issues will also be encouraged; however, we will encourage professionally and ethically responsible criticisms of others’ work. This biannual ongoing project will provide an outlet for advances in various topics of fungal classification, nomenclature, and taxonomic concepts and lead to a community-agreed classification scheme for the fungi and fungus-like taxa. Interested parties should contact the lead author if they would like to be involved in future outlines.
    Keywords: Plant Science ; Ecology ; Evolution ; Behavior and Systematics
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2021-05-19
    Description: In this work the management effectiveness of a Cuban MPA is assessed using an interdisciplinary approach. A series of three hypotheses are tested to determine how effective the Punta Frances Marine Protected Area (PFMPA) has been in meeting the multiple objectives of conserving biological diversity and ecological integrity, while allowing for the development of economic opportunities for tourism, and satisfying the needs of local and distant human populations. A new typology of benefits derived from MPAs was produced to provide managers with a practical tool that enable them to: 1) identify the benefits at the early stages of MPA creation, 2) state MPA objectives in a clear and measurable way, 3) assess the effectiveness of their MPA in meeting their management objectives. A new methodology was also developed to assess MPA effectiveness. This methodology constitutes an advancement from previous work, and it is based on qualitative and quantitative measurements of benefits depicted in the proposed typology. It has several advantages over previous methods. One of the main advantages is that it can be applied to assess one single MPA or a group of MPAs in a comparative fashion. The case study analyzed showed that to date, the PFMPA shows little signs of being negatively affected by the recreational SCUBA diving activities for which it was intended, given that no significant differences were found between intensively used diving areas and unused diving areas in terms of fish abundance, coral cover and macroalgae cover. Despite this, the PFMPA is not currently providing the full set of benefits to humans and the rest of nature, due mainly to administrative issues. If the PFMPA eventually becomes a National Marine Park (i.e. is fully protected from extractive activities), and management is correctly implemented, an annual economic value of almost USD $127,164,116.37 is forecast. At present the PFMPA does not provide any social or economic benefit to the nearby coastal community of Cocodrilo, thereby maintaining a divorce between local people and the users and managers of the MPA. Conversely, foreigners are receiving most of the benefits associated with recreation in a pristine tropical coastal ecosystem situated on the edge of the Caribbean Sea basin. The interdisciplinary methodologies for assessing effectiveness of MPAs developed in this study provided quantitative and qualitative evidence of a poor level of success in meeting the multiple management objectives of the PFMPA. This situation is apparently the result of several factors, both objective and subjective, especially the restrictive nature of the PFMPA relative to local inhabitants. 268 Aronson RB, Precht WF (2000) Herbivory and algal dynamics on the coral reef at Discovery Bay, Jamaica. Limnol. Oceanogr. 45(1): 251-255. Azzoni CR, Isai JY (1994) Estimating the cost of environmental protection in Brazil. Ecological Economics 11: 127-133. Babbie E, Benaquisto L (2002) The basics of social research. Thomson Canada Limited. Canadian Edition. Badalamenti F, Ramos A, Voultsiadou E, Sanchez-Lizaso J, D’Anna G, Pipitone C, Mas J, Ruiz-Fernandez J, Whitmarsh D, Rigió S (2000) Cultural and socio-economic impacts of Mediterranean marine protected areas. Environmental Conservation 27(2): 110-125. Baisre J (2004) La pesca marítima en Cuba. Editorial Científico Técnica, La Habana, Cuba. Ballantine WJ (1995) Networks of “No-take” marine reserves are practical and necessary. In Shackell NL and Willison JHM. Marine Protected Areas and Sustainable Fisheries. SAMPAA, Wolfwille, Canada, pp. 13-20. Beekhuis JV (1981) Tourism in the Caribbean: impacts on the economic, social and natural environments. AMBIO 10, 325-331. Boersma PD, Parrish JK (1999) Limiting abuse: marine protected areas, a limited solution. Ecological Economics 31: 287-304. Bohnsack JA (1993) Marine Reserves: they enhance fisheries, reduce conflicts, and protect resources. Oceanus 36: 63-71. Bohnsack JA (1998) Application of marine reserves to reef fisheries management. Australian Journal of Ecology 23: 298-304. Bohnsack JA, Ault JS (1996) Management strategies to conserve marine biodiversity. Oceanography 9(1): 73-82. Bohnsack JA, Bannerot SP (1986) A stationary visual census technique for quantitatively assessing community structure of coral reef fishes, NOAA tech. Rep. NMFS-41: 15. Bunce L, Gustavson K, Williams J and Miller M (1999) The human side of reef management: a case study analysis of the socioeconomic framework of Montego Bay Marine Park. Coral Reefs 18: 369-380. Caribbean Tourism Research and Development Center (1988) Caribbean tourism- economic development. Tourism Management. June 1988, 155-161. Ceballos-Lascurain H (1996) Tourism, ecotourism and protected areas: The state of nature-based tourism around the world and guidelines for its development. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, and Cambridge, UK. Centro de Gestion y Servicios Ambientales y Tecnologicos (2001) Informe de monitoreo, Estacion Ecologica del PNMPF. CITMA Isla de la Juventud. Cuba. Centro Nacional de Areas Protegidas (CNAP) (2001) Desarrollo sostenible y autosostenimiento económico de la comunidad Cocodrilo en el área protegida Sur de la Isla de la Juventud, Cuba. La Habana, Cuba. Centro Nacional de Areas Protegidas (CNAP) (2002) Sistema Nacional de Areas Protegidas. Cuba. Plan del 2003-2008. Escandon Impresores Sevilla. España. Cesar HSJ (2000) Coral reefs; their functions, threats and economic value. In Cesar HSJ Collected Essays on the economics of coral reefs. CORDIO, Kalamar, Sweden, pp. 14-39. Chadwick-Furman NE (1997) Effects of SCUBA diving on coral reef invertebrates in the US Virgin Island: Implications for management of diving tourism. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Coelent. Biol. 1995: 91-100. Charles AT (2001) Sustainable Fishery Systems. Blackwell Science, Oxford UK. Chircop A (1997)Taxonomy of Ocean Uses. As delivered in Contemporary Issues in Ocean Management and Development Course (1997). Chircop A (2000) Human uses at the coastal zone. Training course in Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Santiago de Cuba, February-March 2000. Cuba. Christiansen S, Andersson A, Luther S (2002) Making space for North Sea wildlife. Available at: Data accessed on January, 2003. Daily GC (1997) Nature's services: societal dependence on natural ecosystems. Island Press, Washington DC. Daily GC, Söderqvist T, Aniyar S, Arrow K, Dasgupta P, Ehrlich PR, Folke C, Jansson A, Jansson B, Kautsky N, Levin S, Lubchenco J, Mäler K, Simpson D, Starret D, Tilman D, Walker B (2000) The value of nature and the nature of value. Science 289: 395-396. Davis GE (1977) Anchor damage to a coral reef on the coast of Florida. Biological Conservation. 11: 29-34. Davis D, Tisdell C (1995a) Economic management of recreational SCUBA diving and the environment. Journal of Environmental Management 48: 229-248. Davis D, Tisdell C (1995b) Recreational SCUBA-diving carrying capacity in marine protected areas. Ocean and Coastal Management 26(1): 19-40. de Groot RS (1992) Functions of nature: Evaluation of nature in environmental planning, management, and decision making. Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen. de Groot RS (1994) Functions and values of protected areas: a comprehensive framework for assessing the benefits of protected areas to human society. In: Munasinghe M, McNeely J (Eds). Protected areas economics and policy: linking conservation and sustainable development. World Conservation Union and the World Bank, Washington, DC, pp. 159-169. de Groot R, Wilson M, Boumans R (2002) A typology for the classification, description and valuation of ecosystem functions, goods and services. Ecological Economics 41: 393-408. de la Guardia E, Angulo J, González-Sansón G, Aguilar C, González-Díaz P (2004ª) Biodiversidad en la zona de buceo del Parque Nacional de Punta Francés, Isla de la Juventud, Cuba. Revista de Investigaciones Marinas 25(2):91-102. de la Guardia E, González-Díaz P, Castellanos S (2004b) Estructura de la comunidad de grupos bentónicos sésiles en la zona de buceo de Punta Francés, Cuba. Revista de Investigaciones Marinas 25(2): 81-90. Delegación Territorial CITMA Isla de la Juventud (2004ª) Plan Operativo de Manejo Parque Nacional Marino Punta Francés. Delegación Territorial Isla de la Juventud. Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente, Cuba. Delegación Territorial CITMA Isla de la Juventud (2004b) Políticas, Directrices y Regulaciones para el manejo del Área Protegida de Recursos Manejados “El Sur” en la Isla de la Juventud. Delegación Territorial Isla de la Juventud. Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente, Cuba. DeMartini E (1993) Modeling the potential of fishery reserves for managing Pacific coral reef fishes. Fisheries Bulletin 91: 414-427. 272 de Silva ME, Gately EM, Desilvestre I (1986) A bibliographic listing of coastal and marine protected areas: a global survey. Woods Hole Oceanog. Inst. Tech. Rept. WHOI-86-11. (cited by Kelleher and Kenchington, 1991). Dignam D (1990) SCUBA gaining among mainstream travelers. Tour and Travel News 26: 44-45. Dirección de Medio Ambiente (2003) Las Costas Cubanas: Información para una Gestión Integrada. Reporte Preliminar. Dirección de Medio Ambiente, CITMA, La Habana, Cuba. Dixon JA (1993) Economic benefits of marine protected areas. Oceanus 36: 35-40. Dixon JA, Scura LF, Vant-Hof T (1993) Meeting ecological and economic goals: marine parks in the Caribbean. AMBIO 22(2-3): 117-125. Dixon JA, Scura LF, Vant-Hof T (2000) An economic and ecological analysis of the Bonaire Marine Park. In Cesar HSJ Collected Essays on the economics of coral reefs. CORDIO, Kalamar, Sweden, pp. 158-165. Dixon JA, Sherman PB (1990) Economics of protected areas: a new look at benefits and costs. Earthscan Publications Ltd, London. Dunlap RE, Gallup Jr GH, Gallup AM (1993) Of global concern: Results of the health of the planet survey. Environment 35(9): 7-15. Edinger EN, Risk MJ (2000) Reef classification by coral morphology predicts coral reef conservation value. Biological Conservation 92: 1-13. Eklund AM, McClellan DB, Harper DE (2000) Black grouper aggregations in relation to protected areas within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Bulletin of Marine Science 66(3): 721-728. English S, Wilkinson C, Baker V (1997) Survey manual for tropical marine resources. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Australia. Estrada R, Hernández A, Gerhartz J, Martínez A, Melero M, Bliemsrieder M, Lindeman K (2003) El Sistema Nacional de Áreas Marinas Protegidas de Cuba. WWF, Environmental Defense and Centro Nacional de Áreas Protegidas, Cuba. Faber M, Manstetten R, Proops J (1996) Ecological Economics. Concepts and Methods, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, Brookfield. Farber SC, Costanza R, Wilson MA (2002) Economic and ecological concepts for valuing ecosystem services. Ecological Economics 41: 375-392. Faul F, Erdfelder E (1992) GPOWER: a priori, post-hoc, and compromise power analysis for MS-DOS (Computer Program). Bonn, FRG: Bonn University, Dep. of Psychology. Field JG, Hempel G, Summerhayes CP (2002) Oceans 2020: science, trends, and the challenge of sustainability. Island Press, Washington, DC, USA. Font M (1997) Advancing Democracy in Cuba: The International Context.” Paper presented at Symposium Economic Integration and Democracy: Latin America
    Description: Unpublished
    Description: Cuba
    Keywords: Protected areas ; Methodology ; Abundance
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: Theses and Dissertations , Phd thesis
    Format: 298
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2024-08-23
    Description: The largest genus within the Phyllanthaceae family is a group called Phyllanthus L. Recent studies have shown, that Phyllanthus is paraphyletic with the genera Glochidion, Breynia and Synostemon nested within it. In this thesis, I study the evolution and systematics of Phyllanthus and how to solve the apparent paraphyly. First we explore past morphological subgroups to come to a subdivision, which was tested using molecular phylogenetics. Several species of Phyllanthus are also used in traditional medicine and by utilizing the living collections of the Hortus botanicus Leiden, we tested for antibacterial and antifungal bioactivity. The phylogeny resulting from this study is used to study the historical biogeography and diversification of the tribe and to propose a new classification where Phyllanthus is separated into several smaller genera.
    Keywords: Taxonomy ; Systematics ; Botany ; Evolution ; Biogeography ; Phyllanthus ; Phyllanthaceae
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2024-01-12
    Description: New data on 52 non-indigenous mollusks in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea is reported. Fossarus sp. (aff. aptus sensu Blatterer 2019), Coriophora lessepsiana Albano, Bakker & Sabelli, sp. nov., Cerithiopsis sp. aff. pulvis, Joculator problematicus Albano & Steger, sp. nov., Cerithiopsis sp., Elachisina sp., Iravadia aff. elongata, Vitrinella aff. Vitrinella sp. 1 (sensu Blatterer 2019), Melanella orientalis, Parvioris aff. dilecta, Odostomia cf. dalli, Oscilla virginiae, Parthenina cossmanni, Parthenina typica, Pyrgulina craticulata, Turbonilla funiculata, Cylichna collyra, Musculus coenobitus, Musculus aff. viridulus, Chavania erythraea, Scintilla cf. violescens, Iacra seychellarum and Corbula erythraeensis are new records for the Mediterranean. An unidentified gastropod, Skeneidae indet., Triphora sp., Hypermastus sp., Sticteulima sp., Vitreolina cf. philippi, Odostomia (s.l.) sp. 1, Henrya (?) sp., and Semelidae sp. are further potential new non-indigenous species although their status should be confirmed upon final taxonomic assessment. Additionally, the status of Dikoleps micalii, Hemiliostraca clandestina comb. nov. and H. athenamariae comb. nov. is changed to non-indigenous, range extensions for nine species and the occurrence of living individuals for species previously recorded from empty shells only are reported. Opimaphora blattereri Albano, Bakker & Sabelli, sp. nov. is described from the Red Sea for comparison with the morphologically similar C. lessepsiana Albano, Bakker & Sabelli, sp. nov. The taxonomic part is followed by a discussion on how intensive fieldwork and cooperation among institutions and individuals enabled such a massive report, and how the poor taxonomic knowledge of the Indo-Pacific fauna hampers non-indigenous species detection and identification. Finally, the hypothesis that the simultaneous analysis of quantitative benthic death assemblages can support the assignment of non-indigenous status to taxonomically undetermined species is discussed.
    Keywords: Animal Science and Zoology ; Ecology ; Evolution ; Behavior and Systematics ; Cerithiopsidae ; invasion biology ; Lessepsian invasion ; Mollusca ; new species ; Red Sea ; taxonomy ; Triphoridae
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2023-12-21
    Description: Fisheries in the Mekong River are characterized by high pressure and extremely low selectivity towards fishing targets, which greatly complicates the conservation and possible restoration of the region's biodiversity. Relevance. Knowledge of fish population structure and biology is essential for fishery management and rational use of resources; however, the fisheries of the region are predominantly artisanal, for which the information on catches is scarce. This work is aimed at a study of the morphological characteristics of Smith's barb Puntioplites proctozystron (Bleeker, 1865) and the distribution of its quantitative parameters. The data have been collected from the bottom trawl catches in the Mekong River Delta that were conducted using a beam trawl in the low water and flood periods of 2018–2022. The average abundance and biomass of this species in fresh waters were 8.3±20.8 ind./ha and 114.7±229.4 g/ha, and in the estuary they were 0.6±2.7 ind./ha and 12.1±63.5 g/ha. These quantitative parameters for Smith's barb in the relatively shallow and low-flow Hau River and its estuarine channels were statistically significantly higher than in the rest of the delta estuary system (8.5±22.2 ind./ha and 110.7±248.7 g/ha as compared to 1.4±6.5 ind./ha and 25.0±90.1 g/ha). Examination of morphological characteristics showed a very low variability of traits in mature individuals; the coefficient of variation was less than 10 %. The obtained results indicate the absence of sexual dimorphism and different morphotypes in the population, provide the ground for minimum landing size recommendations, and can serve as a foundation for the further population research of this species.
    Description: Рыболовство в реке Меконг отличается высокой нагрузкой и крайне малой избирательностью в отношении объектов промысла, что значительно осложняет сохранение и возможное восстановление биоразнообразия региона. Для управления промыслом и рационального использования ресурсов необходимы знания о популяционной структуре и биологии рыб, однако на реке в основном преобладает кустарное слабо учитываемое рыболовство. Целью работы стало исследование морфологических характеристик барбуса Смита Puntioplites proctozystron (Bleeker, 1865) и распределения его количественных показателей. Для исследований использованы уловы донных тралений в дельте р. Меконг, проводившихся бимтралом в меженные и паводковые периоды 2018–2022 гг. Результаты. Средняя численность и биомасса вида в пресных водах составляла 8,3±20,8 экз./га и 114,7±229,4 г/га, а в эстуарии — 0,6±2,7 экз./га и 12,1±63,5 г/га. Обилие барбуса Смита в более маловодной и мелководной реке Хау и ее устьевых протоках было статистически достоверно выше, чем в остальной части дельтово-эстуарной системы (8,5±22,2 экз./га и 110,7±248,7 г/га против 1,4±6,5 экз./га и 25,0±90,1 г/га). Исследования морфологических (пластических) показателей показали весьма низкую изменчивость признаков у половозрелых особей; коэффициент вариаций признаков был менее 10 %. Полученные данные свидетельствуют об отсутствии полового диморфизма и различных морфотипов в популяции, позволяют дать рекомендации по ограничению минимальных размеров при вылове и могут служить основой для дальнейших популяционных исследований вида.
    Description: Published
    Description: Refereed
    Keywords: Geographical distribution ; Smith's barb ; Puntioplites proctozystron ; Abundance ; Biomass ; Fish catch statistics ; Bottom trawl catches ; Fishery management ; Animal morphology ; ASFA_2015::F::Freshwater fish ; ASFA_2015::M::Morphometry ; ASFA_2015::B::Bottom trawling
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: Journal Contribution
    Format: pp.79–90
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2024-03-24
    Description: During an oomycete survey in December 2015, 10 previously unknown Halophytophthora taxa were isolated from marine and brackish water of tidal ponds and channels in saltmarshes, lagoon ecosystems and river estuaries at seven sites along the Algarve coast in the South of Portugal. Phylogenetic analyses of LSU and ITS datasets, comprising all described Halophytophthora species, the 10 new Halophytophthora taxa and all relevant and distinctive sequences available from GenBank, provided an updated phylogeny of the genus Halophytophthora s.str. showing for the first time a structure of 10 clades designated as Clades 1–10. Nine of the 10 new Halophytophthora taxa resided in Clade 6 together with H. polymorphica and H. vesicula. Based on differences in morphology and temperature-growth relations and a multigene (LSU, ITS, Btub, hsp90, rpl10, tigA, cox1, nadh1, rps10) phylogeny, eight new Halophytophthora taxa from Portugal are described here as H. brevisporangia, H. celeris, H. frigida, H. lateralis, H. lusitanica, H. macrosporangia, H. sinuata and H. thermoambigua. Three species, H. frigida, H. macrosporangia and H. sinuata, have a homothallic breeding system while the remaining five species are sterile. Pathogenicity and litter decomposition tests are underway to clarify their pathological and ecological role in the marine and brackish-water ecosystems. More oomycete surveys in yet undersurveyed regions of the world and population genetic or phylogenomic analyses of global populations are needed to clarify the origin of the new Halophytophthora species.
    Keywords: Ecology ; Evolution ; Behavior and Systematics ; breeding system ; ecological role ; evolution ; lifestyle ; oomycetes ; Peronosporaceae ; Phytophthora
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2024-01-12
    Keywords: Ecology ; Ecology ; Evolution ; Behavior and Systematics
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 8
    Naturalis Biodiversity Center
    In:  Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi vol. 46, pp. 116-128
    Publication Date: 2024-04-08
    Description: Several plant pathogenic Parastagonospora species have been identified infecting wheat and other cereals over the past 50 years. As new lineages were discovered, naming conventions grew unwieldy and the relationships with previously recognized species remained unclear. We used genome sequencing to clarify relationships among these species and provided new names for most of these species. Six of the nine described Parastagonospora species were recovered from wheat, with five of these species coming from Iran. Genome sequences revealed that three strains thought to be hybrids between P. nodorum and P. pseudonodorum were not actually hybrids, but rather represented rare gene introgressions between those species. Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that P. nodorum originated as a pathogen of wild grasses in the Fertile Crescent, then emerged as a wheat pathogen via host-tracking during the domestication of wheat in the same region. The discovery of a diverse array of Parastagonospora species infecting wheat in Iran suggests that new wheat pathogens could emerge from this region in the future.
    Keywords: Ecology ; Evolution ; Behavior and Systematics
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2023-04-26
    Description: Phytoplankton is the base of every aquatic food web. During the assessment of the trophic status of the investigated lentic water body (within Lake City Housing Complex, Mankundu, Hooghly, West Bengal, India), phytoplankton composition and its temporal variation are proved to be the most important. In this study, 30 phytoplankton taxa have been recorded in various arrangements throughout the season. The maximum number of phytoplankton species with the highest Shannon–Weaver diversity index value represented the pre-monsoon season, whereas the least number of phytoplankton taxa and the lowest diversity indicators characterized the post-monsoon season. The development of algal bloom by one specific taxon, Botryococcus braunii, in the postmonsoon season indicates the change in the trophic status of this particular water body. As a criterion for the beginning of the algal bloom, an exceedance of 1 mg/L in nitrate concentration can be considered. The phytoplankton composition, values of various diversity indices, its density and species distribution pattern, and selected environmental parameters have been investigated, as well as the results of the analysis of rank abundance curves, which allowed for evaluation of the ecological status of this lentic water body. This study describes the change or shift in the ecosystem of the investigated water body towards eutrophication and establishes its pollution level as moderate to light.
    Description: Фитопланктон является базовой единицей каждой водной пищевой сети. Для изучения трофического статуса исследованного непроточного водоема (в жилищном комплексе Лейк-Сити, Манкунду, район Хугли, Западная Бенгалия, Индия) наиболее важны состав фитопланктона и его изменение во временном масштабе. В настоящем исследовании в течение сезона были зарегистрированы 30 таксонов фитопланктона в различных комбинациях. Предмуссонный сезон был представлен максимальным количеством видов фитопланктона с наивысшим значением разнообразия Шеннона–Уивера, а постмуссонный сезон характеризовался наименьшим количеством таксонов фитопланктона и самыми низкими показателями разнообразия. Развитие цветения одного из таксонов, а именно Botryococcus braunii, в постмуссонный сезон указывает на изменение трофического статуса этого водоема. Критерием начала цветения можно считать повышение концентрации нитратов выше 1 мг/л. Нами были изучены состав фитопланктона, значения различных индексов разнообразия, его плотность и структура распределения видов, выбранные параметры окружающей среды, а также результаты анализа ранговых кривых численности, что позволило расшифровать экологический статус этого непроточного водоема. В этом исследовании показано изменение или сдвиг экосистемы исследуемого водного объекта в сторону эвтрофикации и определено состояние загрязнения на уровне от умеренного до легкого.
    Description: Published
    Description: Refereed
    Keywords: Species diversity ; Abundance ; Biomonitoring ; Trophic status ; Environmental parameters ; Botryococcus braunii ; Фитопланктон ; Предмуссонный сезон ; Биомониторинг ; Концентрации нитратов ; Трофический статус ; ASFA_2015::P::Phytoplankton ; ASFA_2015::F::Freshwater pollution ; ASFA_2015::A::Algal blooms
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: Journal Contribution
    Format: pp.50-62
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    Naturalis Biodiversity Center
    In:  Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi vol. 47, pp. 45-105
    Publication Date: 2024-04-09
    Description: The current list of Chinese quarantine pests includes 130 fungal species. However, recent changes in the taxonomy of fungi following the one fungus = one name initiative and the implementation of DNA phylogeny in taxonomic revisions, resulted in many changes of these species names, necessitating an update of the current list. In addition, many quarantine fungi lack modern morphological descriptions and authentic DNA sequences, posing significant challenges for the development of diagnostic protocols. The aim of the present study was to review the taxonomy and names of the 33 Chinese quarantine fungi in Dothideomycetes, and provide reliable DNA barcodes to facilitate rapid identification. Of these, 23 names were updated according to the single name nomenclature system, including one new combination, namely Cophinforma tumefaciens comb. nov. (syn. Sphaeropsis tumefaciens). On the basis of phylogenetic analyses and morphological comparisons, a new genus Xenosphaeropsis is introduced to accommodate the monotypic species Xenosphaeropsis pyriputrescens comb. nov. (syn. Sphaeropsis pyriputrescens), the causal agent of a post-harvest disease of pears. Furthermore, four lectotypes (Ascochyta petroselini, Mycosphaerella ligulicola, Physalospora laricina, Sphaeria lingam), three epitypes (Ascochyta petroselini, Phoma lycopersici, Sphaeria lingam), and two neotypes (Ascochyta pinodella, Deuterophoma tracheiphila) are designated to stabilise the use of these names. A further four reference strains are introduced for Cophinforma tumefaciens, Helminthosporium solani, Mycocentro spora acerina, and Septoria linicola. In addition, to assist future studies on these important pathogens, we sequenced and assembled whole genomes for 17 species, including Alternaria triticina, Boeremia foveata, B. lycopersici, Cladosporium cucumerinum, Didymella glomerata, Didymella pinodella, Diplodia mutila, Helminthosporium solani, Mycocentrospora acerina, Neofusicoccum laricinum, Parastagonospora pseudonodorum, Plenodomus libanotidis, Plenodomus lingam, Plenodomus tracheiphilus, Septoria petroselini, Stagonosporopsis chrysanthemi, and Xenosphaeropsis pyriputrescens.
    Keywords: Ecology ; Evolution ; Behavior and Systematics ; Chinese quarantine fungi ; DNA barcodes ; genomes ; morphology ; new taxa ; phylogeny ; plant pathogens ; typification
    Repository Name: National Museum of Natural History, Netherlands
    Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
    Format: application/pdf
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