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An Exact Hypergraph Matching algorithm for posture identification in embryonic C. elegans

Fig 3

Posture identification allows the tracking of other cells during late-stage embryogenesis.

A: Annotated seam cell nuclei coordinates (bold black) and muscle nuclei coordinates (red) from a sequence of three volumetric images. The untwisting process (green arrows) uses the seam cell locations to remap muscle cells to a common frame of reference. B: The remapped muscle nuclei are tracked frame-to-frame (blue arrows). C: A higher magnification view from the right coordinate plot of A. The left, right, and midpoint splines are used to create a change of basis defined by the tangent (black), normal (blue), and binormal (cyan) vectors. Ellipses are inscribed along the tangent of the midpoint spline, approximating the skin of the coiled embryo. D: A portion of the left (red) and center (blue) remapped muscle coordinates. Black lines connect the coordinates, frame-to-frame.

Fig 3
