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Nuclear Localised MORE SULPHUR ACCUMULATION1 Epigenetically Regulates Sulphur Homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

Fig 6

Effects of MSA1 mutation on genome-wide DNA methylation.

(A) Normalized DNA methylation level on CG, CHG and CHH contexts in the shoot and root of WT and msa1-1 on chromosome 1. DNA methylation level was calculated as the density of methylated C in each 100 kb window, and the highest density window in each contexts was designated as 100%. See S7 Fig for other chromosomes. (B) Numbers of overlapping DMRs between the shoot and root of WT and msa1-1. (C-E) DNA methylation profile of SULTR1;1 (C), SULTR1;2 (D) and APR3 (E) in the shoot and root of WT and msa1-1. DNA methylation levels are indicated by the height of vertical lines. The positive and negative values represent the methylation level in sense and antisense strand, respectively. The blue and red lines at the bottom indicated the location of the shoot and root DMRs, respectively. The vertical magenta line in (C) shows the location of the SURE element and arrows indicate the location of primers used for the chop-PCR in (F). (F) Determination of DNA methylation level in the promoter of SULTR1;1 by chop-PCR in shoots and roots of WT and msa1-1 plants grown on agar solidified MGRL media under S sufficient (1500 μM sulphate; +S) or S deficient (no added sulphate; -S) conditions. Genomic DNA was digested without or with McrBC, an endonuclease which only cleaves DNA containing methylcytosine residues, followed by PCR using the primers shown in (C).

Fig 6
