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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter July 23, 2021

The effect of salinity on aspects of the early development of the kelp species Undaria pinnatifida and Saccorhiza polyschides

  • Victoria M. Crane , Marie-Fanny Racault

    Marie-Fanny Racault is a biological oceanographer interested in the study of climate impact and risks on marine ecosystem resources and marine pathogens. She works as a senior Earth Observation scientist at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK. Her main topics of expertise are (1) understanding the evolutionary history of pyrenoid-bearing taxa in brown algae using molecular phylogenies; (2) developing applications of Earth observations (in-situ, remote-sensing, modelling) for water-associated diseases surveillance and mapping; (3) analysing bio-physical interactions and climate processes to explain and predict changes in the phenology of oceanic primary producers.

    and Robert L. Fletcher

    Robert L. Fletcher is a reader in marine environmental sciences at the University of Portsmouth, UK. His main research interest is the taxonomy, systematics, life histories, molecular biology and floristics of the Phaeophyceae. Other interests include the marine algal flora of the south coast of England, introduced macroalgae, marine algae as fouling organisms and their control and marine pollution, particularly eutrophication and the use of macroalgae as bioassay test organisms.

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From the journal Botanica Marina


It is likely that the introduction of the brown macroalga Undaria pinnatfida from the Pacific into the North Atlantic will impact competitively on the native species Saccorhiza polyschides; both are large kelps occupying the same subtidal zone with very similar life histories. The present study examines their tolerance to changes in salinity, under laboratory conditions, in order to provide a better understanding of their respective competitiveness in an estuarine environment. Experiments were carried out over a full range of salinity values, from 35 to 0, with respect to zoospore settlement and attachment, germination, post-germination progression to form gametophytes, gametophyte sex ratio, sporophyte production and blade length. Undaria zoospores settled and attached over the salinity range from 35 to 14 and germinated between 35 and 3.5. Post-germination progression occurred over the range from 35 to 14 whilst only small differences in the male/female ratio were recorded. Sporophyte blade production and development occurred over the range from 35 to 17.5 and peak production and longest blade length was recorded at 21. Saccorhiza zoospores settled and attached at and above 24.5 and germinated between 35 and 21. Sporophyte production and blade development occurred over the range from 35 to 24.5. In general, Undaria was shown to be much more tolerant of reductions in salinity compared to Saccorhiza and is more likely to penetrate further into estuarine environments.

Corresponding author: Robert L. Fletcher, Institute of Marine Sciences, School of Biological Sciences, University of Portsmouth, Ferry Road, Eastney, Portsmouth, PO4 9LY, UK, E-mail:

About the authors

Marie-Fanny Racault

Marie-Fanny Racault is a biological oceanographer interested in the study of climate impact and risks on marine ecosystem resources and marine pathogens. She works as a senior Earth Observation scientist at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK. Her main topics of expertise are (1) understanding the evolutionary history of pyrenoid-bearing taxa in brown algae using molecular phylogenies; (2) developing applications of Earth observations (in-situ, remote-sensing, modelling) for water-associated diseases surveillance and mapping; (3) analysing bio-physical interactions and climate processes to explain and predict changes in the phenology of oceanic primary producers.

Robert L. Fletcher

Robert L. Fletcher is a reader in marine environmental sciences at the University of Portsmouth, UK. His main research interest is the taxonomy, systematics, life histories, molecular biology and floristics of the Phaeophyceae. Other interests include the marine algal flora of the south coast of England, introduced macroalgae, marine algae as fouling organisms and their control and marine pollution, particularly eutrophication and the use of macroalgae as bioassay test organisms.

  1. Author contributions: All the authors have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this submitted manuscript and approved submission.

  2. Research funding: None declared.

  3. Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding this article.


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Received: 2021-02-08
Accepted: 2021-06-08
Published Online: 2021-07-23
Published in Print: 2021-08-26

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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