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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Haas, Sebastian; Robicheau, Brent M; Rakshit, Subhadeep; Tolman, Jennifer; Algar, Christopher K; LaRoche, Julie; Wallace, Douglas WR; Cogswell, Andrew (2020): R-code for a biogeochemical model of Bedford Basin bottom water [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Haas, S et al. (2020): A 4-year biogeochemical time series in a eutrophic coastal basin (Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia, Canada) [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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biogeochemical modeling; Coastal Ocean; CTD; dissolved inorganic nitrogen; dissolved oxygen; marker genes; nitrification; nitrogen cycle; nutrients
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Haas, Sebastian; Robicheau, Brent M; Rakshit, Subhadeep; Tolman, Jennifer; Algar, Christopher K; LaRoche, Julie; Wallace, Douglas WR (2021): Physical mixing in coastal waters controls and decouples nitrification via biomass dilution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(18), e2004877118,
Latitude: 44.692000 * Longitude: -63.642000
Compass_Buoy * Latitude: 44.692000 * Longitude: -63.642000 * Location: Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia, Canada * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
48.8 kBytes

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