Quality of honey sold informally in open-air markets in the Federal District

Qualidade de méis comercializados informalmente em feiras livres no Distrito Federal





Beekeping, Family agriculture, Quality control


Honey is a product of animal origin with unique characteristics that must be constantly analyzed to ensure its quality and safety to the consumers, however there are few studies that verify its integrity, especially in the Federal District. In order to analyze the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of A. mellifera L. honey produced and commercialized informally by family farmers in three regions of the Federal District, a total of 33 honey samples collected in open markets from 2011 to 2013 were analyzed. The data were evaluated using a descriptive analysis.  The results showed that, although none of the samples presented toxic metals and presence of fecal coliforms and Salmonella sp., 21% of the samples presented sucrose above the maximum allowed values, followed by 12% of the samples for total acidity content, 9% for moisture, 9% for Hydroxymethylfurfural, and only 3% for reducing sugars. It was found that 42% of the samples presented the presence of mold and yeast in the studied period. Therefore, the study shows the need for more demanding and effective inspection tools in the commercialization of honey in the Federal District.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Rosa, A. A., Rosa, A. G., Moreira, I. de S., Brito, D. Q., Soares, J. P. G. ., Junqueira, A. M. R., & Mendonça, M. A. (2023). Quality of honey sold informally in open-air markets in the Federal District: Qualidade de méis comercializados informalmente em feiras livres no Distrito Federal. Concilium, 23(10), 47–63. https://doi.org/10.53660/CLM-1327-23K47


