Original paper

Comparative Performance of Cashewnut Shell Liquid (CNSL) for Pulse beetle Control in Pulse Seed (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)

Raja, K; Sivasubramaniam, K; Geetha R,

Entomologia Generalis Volume 34 Number 3 (2013), p. 197 - 206

26 references

published: Jun 25, 2013

DOI: 10.1127/entom.gen/34/2013/197

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The bruchid or pulse beetles are one of the major storage pests in pulses: they cause heavy damage to the seed. Many chemicals are available to control this storage pest; but most of them have residual effects. Therefore, organic based biopesticide need to be found. Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) is such a product which has a better effect on the maintenance of seed germination and seedling vigour in pulses, viz blackgram, greengram and pigeonpea. The seeds treated with CNSL recorded higher germination in blackgram (74.0%), greengram (81.0%) and pigeonpea (34.0%) during 10 months storage. The number of eggs laid on a seed and the number of insects multiplied. The seed damage percentage was also meager in CNSL treated seeds which is comparatively effective like neem oil and other insecticides viz monocrotophos and malathion dust. Therefore the CNSL can be used as an effective seed treating biopesticide for better seed storability by maintaining viability and preventing bruchids infestation.


Callosobruchus chinensis Linnaeus 1758germinationinsect infestationseed storabilitystorage pestviabilityvigour