Closure of the Mott gap and formation of a superthermal metal in the Fröhlich-type nonequilibrium polaron Bose-Einstein condensate in UO2+x

Steven D. Conradson et al.
Phys. Rev. B 96, 125114 – Published 8 September 2017
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Mixed valence O-doped UO2+x and photoexcited UO2 containing transitory U3+ and U5+ host a coherent polaronic quantum phase (CPQP) that exhibits the characteristics of a Fröhlich-type, nonequilibrium, phonon-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate whose stability and coherence are amplified by collective, anharmonic motions of atoms and charges. Complementary to the available, detailed, real space information from scattering and EXAFS, an outstanding question is the electronic structure. Mapping the Mott gap in UO2, U4O9, and U3O7 with O XAS and NIXS and UM5 RIXS shows that O doping raises the peak of the U5f states of the valence band by ∼0.4 eV relative to a calculated value of 0.25 eV. However, it lowers the edge of the conduction band by 1.5 eV vs the calculated 0.6 eV, a difference much larger than the experimental error. This 1.9 eV reduction in the gap width constitutes most of the 2–2.2 eV gap measured by optical absorption. In addition, the XAS spectra show a tail that will intersect the occupied U5f states and give a continuous density-of-states that increases rapidly above its constricted intersection. Femtosecond-resolved photoemission measurements of UO2, coincident with the excitation pulse with 4.7 eV excitation, show the unoccupied U5f states of UO2 and no hot electrons. 3.1 eV excitation, however, complements the O-doping results by giving a continuous population of electrons for several eV above the Fermi level. The CPQP in photoexcited UO2 therefore fulfills the criteria for a nonequilibrium condensate. The electron distributions resulting from both excitations persist for 5–10 ps, indicating that they are the final state that therefore forms without passing through the initial continuous distribution of nonthermal electrons observed for other materials. Three exceptional findings are: (1) the direct formation of both of these long lived (>3–10 ps) excited states without the short lived nonthermal intermediate; (2) the superthermal metallic state is as or more stable than typical photoinduced metallic phases; and (3) the absence of hot electrons accompanying the insulating UO2 excited state. This heterogeneous, nonequilibrium, Fröhlich BEC stabilized by a Fano-Feshbach resonance therefore continues to exhibit unique properties.

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  • Received 4 January 2017
  • Revised 3 July 2017


©2017 American Physical Society

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Condensed Matter, Materials & Applied Physics

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Vol. 96, Iss. 12 — 15 September 2017

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