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Comparative Genome Structure, Secondary Metabolite, and Effector Coding Capacity across Cochliobolus Pathogens

Figure 9

C. victoriae has an ortholog of A. fumigatus GliP responsible for gliotoxin production.

A. Gene annotation and comparisons of the C. victoriae and A. fumigatus regions carrying orthologs of the Gliotoxin biosynthetic proteins. Protein designations (color coded) correspond to A. fumigatus nomenclature [64]. In A. fumigatus, GliP is an NRPS, GliT, F, N, A, G, M, C, J, I and Z correspond to oxidase, cytochrome P450, methyl transferase, transporter, glutathione S-transferase, O-methyltransferase, cytochrome P450, dipeptidase, aminotransferase and Zn finger proteins, respectively. GliK is of unknown function. In C. victoriae, ‘ORF’ = unknown function. B. The bimodular (2 AMP domains) C. victoriae NODE 1179 NRPS (Augustus gene call g7087) is an example of the phenomenon of spotty conservation of NRPS AMP domains across fungi. L. maculans also has an ortholog (SirP, producing sirodesmin), however, this is not as closely related as the C. victoriae ortholog. Of the two AMP domains that comprise the C. victoriae GliP ortholog, AMP2 is present in C. carbonum (NODE 464 g2585) and AMP1 is found in C. sativus (ID 103953). Neither possesses both, although additional, related sister domains are found in other Cochliobolus species. Cartoon (bottom) shows the A. fumigatus, C. victoriae and L. maculans NRPS orthologs color coded as to AMP domain. Branches carrying GliP orthologs extracted from full phylogenetic tree (Figure S5A) to left. Gene/AMP nomenclature and bootstrap values as described in Figure 4.

Figure 9
