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Experimental Induction of Pulmonary Fibrosis in Horses with the Gammaherpesvirus Equine Herpesvirus 5

Figure 9

PCR detection of EHV 5 DNA (gH gene) from cell culture and equine tissues (Horse E4).

PCR amplicons from serial 10 fold dilutions of DNA extracted from 100 µl of stock virus A (A) or virus B (B) grown in RK-13 cells: lane 1 = 100 base pair DNA ladder; lanes 2 -10 = dilutions of viral DNA from 0 to 108. Example of EHV 5 detection in tissues collected postmortem (C). Lane 1 = 100 base pair ladder; lane 15 = EHV 5 positive control representing approximately 100 PCR detectable units of viral DNA; lane 16 = negative control. Tissue PCR results: lane 2 (nasal mucosa); lane 3 (right caudal lung lobe); lane 4 = mesenteric lymph node; lane 5 = spleen; lane 6 = liver; lane 7 = kidney; lane 8 = tracheobronchial lymph node; lane 9 = left caudal lung lobe; lane 10 = accessory lung lobe; lane 11 = submandibular lymph node; lane 12 = bone marrow; lane 13 = right cranial lung lobe. . Nucleic acid sequence analysis failed to verify that all of the amplicons were from EHV 5 inoculated into the horses (see Table 3).

Figure 9
