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Two Invaders Instead of One: The True Identity of Species under the Name Ceracis cucullatus (Coleoptera: Ciidae)

Figure 9

Geographic distribution of Ceracis cucullatus (Mellié), Cer. lamellatus (Pic) and Cer. tabellifer (Mellié).

(A) Arrows indicate the possible direction of introductions of Cer. cucullatus and Cer. tabellifer in the Galapagos Islands and Africa, respectively. The records of Cer. tabellifer are divided into four time periods, represented by different colors. Undated records are represented by black circles (see map legend). Between 1800 and 1893, no record was found. (B) Geographic distribution of Cer. cucullatus in the Galapagos Islands. Records of Cer. cucullatus from Cuba and Galapagos Islands (Floreana, Pinta, San Cristobal, Santa Fé, Santiago), and of Cer. tabellifer from Zimbabwe are indicated by “?”, because it was not possible to determine the exact collection site.

Figure 9
