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Increased compensatory kidney workload results in cellular damage in a short time porcine model of mixed acidemia – Is acidemia a ‘first hit’ in acute kidney injury?

Fig 8

Histopathology as well as IHC scoring and urine pH.

The respective subgroup analysis (a, b) compare pooled subgroups for the semiquantative score for proximal tubular cell (PTC) granulation (a) and loss of cell barrier (b) in hematoxylin eosin (HE) stained slices at 400:1 enlargement with urine pH values. Pooled subgroups for immunohistochemical (IHC) stained slices and urin pH are depicted in c. The values are presented as boxplots (median/25th/75th percentile/ outliers). Bracelets mark p < 0.05.

Fig 8
