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Guiding crowds when facing limited compliance: Simulating strategies

Fig 7

Boxplots of the velocities per route.

The boxes represent the 25% and 75%-quartiles. The thick black line in the box indicates the median value. Whiskers do not extend up and down from the box more than 1.5 times the interquartile range (75%-quartile—25%-quartile). Values outside the whiskers are considered as outliers (gray dots). In the setting without guidance, or total lack of compliance, (c = 0), the velocities in the short corridor become very small. Note that, the velocities of v < 0.6m/s in the medium route are simulation artifacts caused by agents waiting to enter the short route in the middle corridor. This happens if the compliance rate is very low, and the entrance of the short route is jammed (see Fig 4).

Fig 7
