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Physical Activity, Energy Expenditure, Nutritional Habits, Quality of Sleep and Stress Levels in Shift-Working Health Care Personnel

Fig 7

Daily energy (A) and fat intake (B) by groups and subgroups. Energy intake is calculated in kcal (A), fat intake (B) as illustrated in percent. The boxes cover the first quartile on the bottom and the third quartile on the top. Whiskers reach from the minimum to the maximum value excluding outliers (illustrated by dots). Shift-working group and shift-working nursing-staff subgroup cover identical cohorts. NG, non-shift-working group; SG, shift-working group; SN, shift-working nursing-staff subgroup; NO, non-shift-working office-staff subgroup; NN, non-shift-working nursing-staff subgroup *p<0.05.

Fig 7
