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Corynebacterium jeikeium jk0268 Constitutes for the 40 Amino Acid Long PorACj, Which Forms a Homooligomeric and Anion-Selective Cell Wall Channel

Figure 7

Investigation of the voltage-dependence of PorACj in single-channel experiments.

A: The purified protein was added to the cis-side of a PC membrane (10 ng/ml) and the reconstitution of channels was followed until about 10 PorACj-channels inserted into the membrane. Then 40 mV were applied to the cis-side of the membrane, and the membrane current was measured as a function of time. The aqueous phase contained 1M KCl; T = 20°C. B: Histogram of 56 closing events of the experiment in A and and similar experiments. The closing events were plotted in a bargraph as a function of the conductance of the closing events. ! M KCl; T = 20°C. Note that the PorACj channels closed in two distinct conductance values of 1 and 2 nS.

Figure 7
