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Multi-Color Quantum Dot Tracking Using a High-Speed Hyperspectral Line-Scanning Microscope

Figure 7

High density single particle tracking (QD 525, 565, 585, 605, 625, 655, 705, and 800).

(A) Shows the instantaneous diffusion for a mcSPT experiment with an acquisition rate of 27 fps of QD-IgE. 1 µg/ml of DNP-BSA was added ∼20 seconds into the acquisition (vertical dashed line). (B) and (D) show spatial maps of diffusion coefficients (estimated diffusion coefficient for each spatial bin is defined by the color scheme indicated in the color bar; red faster, blue slower, black insufficient sampling) for the same experiment shown in (A) estimated using all squared displacements observed between ∼5–15 seconds (B) and ∼30–40 seconds (C). A maximum likelihood estimator is used to estimate the diffusion coefficient (manuscript in preparation Cutler P J, Relich P, Lidke KA). See Video S5.

Figure 7
