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A semantics, energy-based approach to automate biomodel composition

Fig 6

The structure of the MAPK cascade.

(A) Kinetic representation. The stimulus from the extracellular environment is received (Ras) and transmitted through the MAPK cascade to the cell nucleus. The layers demonstrate the cycles with the same kinase and phosphatase enzymes; (B) MAPK cascade with five modules. Linking species are shown in colours where green corresponds to the linking enzymes and pink corresponds to unphosphorylated/phosphorylated mitogen proteins. Arrows show the links between the modules; (C) The symbolic bond graph model of each cycle. Sources of potential with fixed concentrations (Cs:ATP, Cs:ADP, and Cs:Pi) are shown in orange. (Same sources of potential within the modules are omitted in (A) and (B) for clarity).

Fig 6
