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Impact of paleoclimate on present and future evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet

Fig 6

The evolution of Greenland’s climate and ice volume during 1850–2100.

(A): Black line: concentration of CO2 forcing in our climate model simulation. Blue line: yearly mean ocean temperature forcing. Red line: Greenland-wide summer temperature anomalies in respect to the Pre-Industrial values (100 years of climatology mean). (B): Anomaly of ice volume of the GrIS with respect to the Pre-Industrial values. The solid lines are the simulations using initial conditions obtained by the paleo-spinup, while the dashed lines are the results using initial conditions obtained by a ten thousand year Pre-Industrial equilibrium-spinup. The coloured lines are the results from individual ensemble members (see Table 1), and the thick black lines are the results of the ensemble mean.

Fig 6
