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Distinct transcriptomic changes in E14.5 mouse skeletal muscle lacking RYR1 or Cav1.1 converge at E18.5

Fig 6

Schematic representation of the samples used in the present study and work flow for the subsequent gene expression analyses.

Heterozygous Cav1.1+/- and RYR1+/- male and female animals were subjected to timed pairings. At E14.5 and E18.5 post coitum three pregnant females of each line were sacrificed and skeletal muscle samples were collected from the front and hind limbs of 3 littermates (n = 3) of each of the genotypes—WT, heterozygous (Cav1.1+/- or RYR1+/-) and homozygous (Cav1.1-/- or RYR1-/-) mutants. Samples were handled separately and used for total RNA extractions and subsequent MA and qRT-PCR analyses.

Fig 6
