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Analysis of a Modern Hybrid and an Ancient Sugarcane Implicates a Complex Interplay of Factors in Affecting Recalcitrance to Cellulosic Ethanol Production

Fig 6

Interactions between cell wall compounds and sugar release efficiency.

Scatterplots representing all internodes analyzed of S. spontaneum (AG) and RB867515 (RB). Sugar release efficiency is shown as a function of (A) S/G ratio, (B) acid insoluble lignin, (C) xylans, (D) acetyl groups, (E) total lignin, (F) ester ferulate, (G) ester caffeate, (H) ester p-coumarate, (I) ether ferulate, (J) ether caffeate, (K) cellulose. The Pearson correlation coefficient and its corresponding p value are shown at the top of each graph.

Fig 6
