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Large Scale Patterns of Antimicrofouling Defenses in the Hard Coral Pocillopora verrucosa in an Environmental Gradient along the Saudi Arabian Coast of the Red Sea

Figure 6

Distance-based redundancy analysis triplot.

The site symbols represent the P. verrucosa populations distributed according to the similarities regarding the 3 “response” variables (productivity [“Prod”], mucus production [“Mucus”], antifouling defense strength [“AF Defense”]). Axis 1 relates negatively to light attenuation [“Light Att”], microbial fouling pressure [“MicFoul”] and temperature [“Temp”]. Axis 2 relates positively to light attenuation and microfouling, negatively to temperature. TN explains relatively little of the variance. Productivity relates positively to light and microfouling, mucus positively to temperature and defenses negatively to temperature. Stats results in S1S5 Tables. (The 7th pristine site, Mastura, is not shown because we have no mucus release data from that site.)

Figure 6
