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The Isolation, Differentiation, and Survival In Vivo of Multipotent Cells from the Postnatal Rat filum terminale

Figure 6

Heterogeneous differentiation potential of FT-derived neurospheres.

This scatter graph illustrates the variability in the expression of Tuj-1 (neuronal marker) and GFAP (astrocytic marker) in 14 neurosphere differentiation experiments. Individual neurospheres were differentiated by both attachment to an adhesive substrate (poly-L-lysine- and laminin-coated coverslips) and exposure to 5% serum. Differentiated cells were evaluated by immunocytochemistry after either 24 hours or 7–10 days. In both cases, a variable proportion of neurons and astrocytes was observed. The approximate proportion of differentiated cells from a neurosphere that co-stained for both markers decreased after 7–10 days of exposure to the differentiating conditions relative to the proportion of overlap noted after 24 hours.

Figure 6
