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Cannabinoid CB2 Receptor Potentiates Obesity-Associated Inflammation, Insulin Resistance and Hepatic Steatosis

Figure 6

CB2 receptors promote the development of hepatic steatosis.

A, Cnr2 knock-out blunts steatosis. Representative liver tissue sections (magnification ×100), mean steatosis score and hepatic triglycerides in WT and Cnr2 −/− mice fed a HFD for 15 weeks. B, Hepatic triglycerides in HFD-fed WT or Cnr2−/− mice for 15 weeks and in vehicle or JWH-133-treated (3 mg/kg) HFD-fed WT mice for 6 weeks. *p<0.05 for JWH-133 vs vehicle or for HFD-fed Cnr2 −/− vs HFD-fed WT mice.

Figure 6
