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Drug targeting CYP2E1 for the treatment of early-stage alcoholic steatohepatitis

Fig 6

Representative histological pictures of liver sections.

(a) Control. (b) Isocaloric + Solvent. (c) EtOH + Solvent. (d) I-ol (0.4 mg/kg b.w.) + EtOH. (e) I-ol (4 mg/kg b.w.) + EtOH. (f) I-ol (40 mg/kg b.w.) + EtOH. (g) I-an (0.4 mg/kg b.w.) + EtOH. (h) I-an (4 mg/kg b.w.) + EtOH. (i) I-an (40 mg/kg b.w.) + EtOH. (k) UDCA (40 mg/kg b.w.) + EtOH. Nine sections of each liver were prepared–with six or eight animals per group. All sections were stained with H. E. (original magnification: 100х. Each scale bar indicates 100 μm).

Fig 6
