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Gene Expression Ratios Lead to Accurate and Translatable Predictors of DR5 Agonism across Multiple Tumor Lineages

Fig 6

GREP reveals informative relationships between genes.

(A) Network representation of ratios that significantly differentiate response identified by GREPDR5. Genes are connected if they are involved in a ratio, sized based on the number of ratios in which they appear, and colored based on their positivity (%times they appear in the numerator of ratios; ratios were ordered so that they are positively correlated with sensitivity). Red indicates positive, while blue indicates negative. Ratios used in the classifier are shown as bold connections. (B) Importance of individual genes in GREPDR5. Importance of individual features, each assessed using the receiver operator characteristics area under curve (AUCROC) accuracy measure between the full GREPDR5 and one built with that feature excluded.

Fig 6
