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Comparative Sequence Analysis of the Ghd7 Orthologous Regions Revealed Movement of Ghd7 in the Grass Genomes

Figure 6

Examples of gene movements caused by DSB repair across the Ghd7 orthologous regions.

(a) The movement of GLA-U1 in O. glaberrima used a similar mechanism as Bradi3g10010 in B. distachyon (Figure 5). (b) The DSBs occur frequently in fragile sites, such as tandem repeats. A fragment containing GLA-U2 on chromosome 5 (donor) was used to fill the gap caused by DSB on chromosome 7 (acceptor) in O. glaberrima. The right borders for donor and acceptor are identical. (c) The fragment containing A-U4 might be captured by a Helitron element. (d) The A-U5 in O. australiensis is flanked by an array of tandem repeats on both sides. DSBs were possibly introduced during a template slippage of these tandem repeats, and the fragment containing A-U5 was used to fill the gap.

Figure 6
