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Environmental impacts on single-cell variation within a ubiquitous diatom: The role of growth rate

Fig 5

Linear regression model of cell size variability (CV FSC) over growth rate of T. weissflogii from exponential growth and stationary phase; data represented for each treatment are mean values of six replicates.

The R2 (Pearson correlation coefficient), representing the fit of the model, indicated an increase in linear correlation between cell size variability and growth rate with increasing treatment intensity: From ambient (R2amb;N:P = 0.76, R2amb;N:p = 0.76) to RCP 6.0 (R2rcp6.0;N:P = 0.83, R2rcp6.0;N:p = 0.92) and to RCP 8.5 (R2rcp8.5;N:P = 0.91, R2rcp8.5;N:p = 0.92). Regression lines of the ambient treatments are significantly different from the RCP 6.0 and RCP 8.5 treatments (p ≤ 0.029).

Fig 5
