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Computed tomography and histopathological findings after embolization with inherently radiopaque 40μm-microspheres, standard 40μm-microspheres and iodized oil in a porcine liver model

Fig 5

Radiopaque microspheres–histopathological findings.

A RMS.a. HE staining. Incipient sinusoidal penetration of microspheres (white arrowhead). B HE staining. Multiple microspheres within a subsegmental artery (white arrowheads). There were only mild inflammatory changes compared to iodized oil, but signs of cell death were present. C HE staining. Focal areas of parenchymal necrosis, represented by anucleate hepatocytes (white arrowhead). The black asterisk indicates the central vein. D HE staining. Seven days after embolization, there were large areas of severe confluent parenchymal necrosis (black arrowhead), accompanied by a hemorrhagic rim (white arrowheads) with necrosis of the periportal fields. Note the microspheres within the subsegmental (black asterisk) and interlobular arteries (white asterisk).

Fig 5
