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Physiological and Transcriptome Responses to Combinations of Elevated CO2 and Magnesium in Arabidopsis thaliana

Fig 5

Hierarchical document clusters (A) and their corresponding expression patterns (B) in 12 different shoot samples under CO2 and Mg treatments using average linkage llustering and euclidian distance.

For each treatment, two admixture biological samples were performed on independent root material from ten different plants. Each column represents a single sample. Data adjustment procedures are employed and often used prior to statistical analysis of a given data set. The color scale ranges from saturated green for log ratios -3.0 to below saturated red for log ratios 3.0 and above. Each gene is represented by a single row of colored boxes; Cells with log ratio of 0 (genes unchanged) are colored black, increasingly positive log ratios with reds of increasing intensity, and increasing negative log ratios with greens of increasing intensity. Missing values usually appear gray. Gene expression is plotted on a log2 scale for each gene transcript and details about individual transcripts can be found in Supporting Information S3 Table.

Fig 5
