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Label-Free Protein-RNA Interactome Analysis Identifies Khsrp Signaling Downstream of the p38/Mk2 Kinase Complex as a Critical Modulator of Cell Cycle Progression

Fig 5

Khsrp-dependent regulation of Cdkn1aP21.

(A) Cell cycle analysis and (B) mitotic index of wildtype and Khsrp-/- MEFs expose a Khsrp-dependent (A) accumulation of cells in G1 and (B) decreased cycling rates. (C) Transcript and (D) protein levels of Cdkn1aP21 in Khsrp-/- cells measured by qPCR and immunoblotting reveals an increase of Cdkn1aP21 protein levels unrelated to Cdkn1aP21 mRNA levels.

Fig 5
