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Differential Expression of Metallothionein Isoforms in Terrestrial Snail Embryos Reflects Early Life Stage Adaptation to Metal Stress

Fig 5

MT isoform mRNA transcription values (thousand mRNA copy numbers/10 ng of total RNA) of the CdMT, Cd/CuMT and CuMT genes in 12-day-old embryos of Cantareus aspersus (n = 4) exposed to increasing Cd concentrations (C, control; 5 mg/L, 10 mg/L and 15 mg/L).

Box plots indicate the median values (bold line) for each group, the edges of the boxes are the 25th and 75th percentiles. The whiskers represent the 10th and 90th percentiles. The white dot is the extreme values. Significant differences (Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.05) of transcription levels of the three MT isoform genes are indicated by differing lower case letters (a, b).

Fig 5
