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Somatostatin Analogues for Receptor Targeted Photodynamic Therapy

Figure 5

(A) AR42J tumor in the skin-fold observation chamber; (B) Corresponding OctreoScan-SPECT/CT fusion image; (C) Immunohistochemical sst2 stain; (D–G) Conjugate 1 fluorescence/white light transmission fusion images 5 min, 1 h, 4 h and 24 h after conjugate administration respectively; (H) In-vivo fluorescence pharmacokinetics of Ce6 (▴) (n = 3) and conjugate 1 (•) (n = 4) in AR42J tumor tissue in the rat skin-fold observation chamber; (I) In-vivo fluorescence pharmacokinetics of conjugate 1 in tumor tissue with (○) and without (•) the addition of free Octreotide; (J) In-vivo fluorescence pharmacokinetics of conjugate 1 in the tumor vasculature with (□) and without (▪) the addition of free Octreotide. There is a statistically significant difference between the fluorescence in tumor tissue between the blocked and the unblocked groups 20 min (p = 0.04) and 20 min (p = 0.004) after administration

Figure 5
