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Analysis of TET Expression/Activity and 5mC Oxidation during Normal and Malignant Germ Cell Development

Figure 5

Analysis of ADD keyplayer expression and 5mC/5hmC levels after xenografting of TCam-2 and 2102EP cells.

A) qRT-PCR analysis of indicated genes 1, 2, 4 and 6 weeks after xenografting of TCam-2 and 2102EP cells. GAPDH was used as housekeeping gene and for data normalization. Standard deviations are given at the top of each bar. B) IHC of DNMT3B 1, 2 and 6 weeks after xenografting of TCam-2 cells and 4 weeks after injection of 2102EP cells. Red arrows point at strongly DNMT3B positive cells. Scale bars: 100 µm. C) Relative quantification of 5mC and 5hmC levels of xenografted TCam-2 and 2102EP cells. Standard deviation is indicated above the bars. Significant changes are indicated as asterisks (p-value <0.05), while not significant changes are labelled as ‘n.s.’ (calculated by two-paired t-test).

Figure 5
