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Melt Analysis of Mismatch Amplification Mutation Assays (Melt-MAMA): A Functional Study of a Cost-Effective SNP Genotyping Assay in Bacterial Models

Figure 5

Melt-MAMA validation work flow.

This figure shows the sequential steps involved in validation of Melt-MAMA assays. After SNP selection (step I), Melt-MAMA are designed so that the amplicon is <100 bp in length (step II). Assays are screened across ancestral and derived DNA templates under 3 primer ratio conditions where 1∶1 represents equal primer ratio, 4∶1 represents ancestral primer 4x and derived primer 1x, and 1∶4 represents ancestral primer 1x and derived primer 4x (step III). Five outcomes are indicated (step III a–e). Based on the performance of B. anthracis, F. tularensis, and Y. pestis assays, 70–80% Melt-MAMAs accurately genotyped at one of the tested primer ratio condition (step IIIa). These successful assays were immediately screened on a diversity panel of DNA samples (step IV). The remaining assays (20–30%) resulted in one of the other four outcomes (step III b–e). Each outcome required additional specific validation steps to determine the optimal PCR conditions or the need to abandon the SNP altogether. Our overall design success rate increased from 46% to 87%.

Figure 5
