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Prioritising Infectious Disease Mapping

Fig 5

Plots indicating the relative importance of each mapping cluster.

(A) Area of each section is determined by the total DALY contribution of each of the 33 clusters. Blue indicates a cluster contributing to the top ten clusters to be prioritised, green indicates top 44 diseases (n = 5 clusters) and light green represents the remaining disease clusters (n = 18). (B) Area of each section is determined by the total DALY contribution of 30 clusters, with HIV, tuberculosis and malaria excluded. Blue indicates a cluster contributing to the top ten clusters to be prioritised (n = 7), green indicates top 44 diseases (n = 5 clusters) and light green represents the remaining disease clusters (n = 18). STH = soil-transmitted helminth, (B)—bacteria, (N)—nematode, (Pl)—platyhelminth, (V)—virus. (C) Area of each section is determined by the total policy interest score of each of the 33 clusters. Red indicates a cluster within the top ten to be prioritised, orange indicates one of top 44 diseases (n = 5) and light pink represents the remaining disease clusters (n = 18). STH = soil-transmitted helminth, (B)—bacteria, (N)—nematode, (Pl)—platyhelminth, (V)—virus.

Fig 5
