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IFNs Modify the Proteome of Legionella-Containing Vacuoles and Restrict Infection Via IRG1-Derived Itaconic Acid

Fig 4

Integrated network analysis of IFN-regulated proteins of the LCVs.

Proteins with higher abundance at LCVs from IFNβ- and/or IFNγ-treated compared to untreated cells were analyzed with the STRING database. The proteome data were further compared with the whole genome microarray data (S1 Dataset; genes > 2-fold higher expressed and p < 0.05 in infected WT vs. Ifnar/Ifngr-/- mice) and the INTERFEROME database to indicate molecules which are also transcriptionally regulated by IFNs. A GO enrichment analysis was performed for extracting significant subnetworks of a complex network composed of 335 nodes and 2,612 edges. Shown are subnetworks positively affected by IFNβ and/or IFNγ activation such as ‘immune response’, ‘antigen processing and presentation’ and the ‘proteasome complex’.

Fig 4
