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Structural aging of human neurons is opposite of the changes in schizophrenia

Fig 4

Differences in neurite structure between schizophrenia and control cases.

(A) Frequency distribution of neurite curvatures of schizophrenia cases. Relative frequency in each 0.1 μm-1 bin of curvature is plotted. Cases are color-coded. The distribution shows a long tail for every schizophrenia case. (B) Frequency distribution of neurite curvature of control cases. The distribution beyond 0.8 μm-1 is negligible for every control case. (C) Three-dimensional rendering of neurites of the schizophrenia S8A structure. Voxel values 100–800 were rendered with the scatter HQ algorithm of VG Studio Max. Image width: 35 μm. (D) Rendering of neurites of the control N5A structure at the same scale.

Fig 4
