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Functional connectivity directionality between large-scale resting-state networks across typical and non-typical trajectories in children and adolescence

Fig 4

Matrices showing the effects of age (a), age2 (b), sex (c), intellectual abilities (FSIQ) (d), mental health (pF and pF2) (e,f), motion (g), and tSNR (h) on directed connectivity. The analysis was performed in HBN data that had no missing values (N = 1143, 6–17 years, df = 1132). Significant edges following Bonferroni correction are marked as X. The legend shows the 10 RSNs included in the analysis; VO, visual occipital; DMN, default mode; VM, visual medial; VL, visual lateral; FPR, frontoparietal right; FPL, frontoparietal left; SM, sensorimotor; Cer, cerebellum; Au, auditory; Ex, executive control network. The y-axis indicates the sender node, while the x-axis refers to the receiving node. The colors reflect the z-value for the corresponding effects where red indicates a positive association and blue a negative association.

Fig 4
