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Absence of anti-hypocretin receptor 2 autoantibodies in post pandemrix narcolepsy cases

Fig 4

Differential analysis of anti-HCRTR2 autoantibodies using three distinct strategies.

Two groups of narcolepsy patients and control subjects were tested using flow cytometry (A), [35S]-radiolabelled HCRTR2 binding assay (B), and in-cell ELISA using CHO-HCRTR2 (C). Each dot corresponded to one patient or control subject. The dotted line denoted cut-off value, the mean ± 3× SD of all healthy control subjects for each method. Values above this threshold were considered positive for anti-HCRTR2 autoantibody reaction. PP-N, post Pandemrix® narcolepsy patients; EO-N, early onset narcolepsy patients; PP-C, post Pandemrix® control subjects; O-C, other controls, matched to early onset subjects. The numbers of each group was given. P-values were shown between PP-N and PP-C, and between EO-N and O-C.

Fig 4
