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Geographic Variation in Daily Temporal Activity Patterns of a Neotropical Marsupial (Gracilinanus agilis)

Fig 4

Comparison of temporal activity pattern of G. agilis according to reproductive (R) and non-reproductive (NR) periods of dry woodland (cerradão) areas from the Central Brazil (R = dark orange; NR = light orange) and Southeastern Brazil (R = dark blue; NR = light blue).

The asterisk in the low chart indicates significantly distinct temporal activity patterns between reproductive and non-reproductive periods (P<0.05; Kolmogorov-Smirnov two sample test). ‘n.s’ in the top chart indicates no significant differences in the temporal activity patterns between reproductive and non-reproductive periods. The line under 6 hours before sunset indicates the 2-h interval in which the number of captures was adjusted according to the photoperiod length (see Data analysis in Methods for more details). The Brazil map shows the localities of the areas of the study in the CEN (orange circle) and SEA (blue circle) in the Cerrado (green area).

Fig 4
