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Ureaplasma diversum Genome Provides New Insights about the Interaction of the Surface Molecules of This Bacterium with the Host

Fig 4

Virulence and pathogenicity mechanisms.

(A) Virulence map of U. diversum ATCC 49782. (B) Schematic representation of the urease gene cluster from U. diversum ATCC 49782. Structural subunits: ureA (gudiv_255), ureB (gudiv_254), and ureC (gudiv_253). Accessory proteins ureE (gudiv_252), ureF (gudiv_251), ureG (gudiv_250), and ureD (gudiv_249) (C) Diagram of Ureaplasma diversum Multiple-Banded Antigen-like protein (MBA-like—gudiv_653) and locus and similarity of MBA-like with the human ureaplasmal Multiple-Banded Antigen (MBA) (Accession number: AF055358.2).

Fig 4
