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Post-Translational Decrease in Respiratory Chain Proteins in the Polg Mutator Mouse Brain

Figure 4

RNA-Seq data.

A) Volcano plot of DESEQ results showing gene expression changes. Genes that were changed greater than 2-fold and statistically significant are colored red (n = 4 controls (3 WT/WT and 1 WT/D257A), n = 7 mutator). B) Volcano plot of DEXSEQ results showing differential exon usage. Exons that were statistically significant and changed greater than 2-fold are shown in red (n = 3 WT/WT, n = 7 mutator). C) UCSC Genome Browser read count histogram for Acer2. Overall expression of this gene was significantly increased in Polg mutator mice, but usage of an alternative 5′UTR (boxed in light red) was significantly decreased in the mutator mice.

Figure 4
