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New Aspects of an Old Drug – Diclofenac Targets MYC and Glucose Metabolism in Tumor Cells

Figure 4

Diclofenac decreases glucose consumption and modulates lactate accumulation.

(A) Glucose levels were determined in MelIm supernatants after 24 h and 48 h of incubation with diclofenac. “Medium” represents the glucose concentration in the culture medium without cells. Lactate was determined in cell culture supernatants of MelIm after 24 h and 48 h with or without diclofenac,(B) ASA or NS-398 (C). Lactate was determined in cell culture supernatants of B16 after 48 h (D). Lactate levels were determined in supernatants of U937 (E) after incubation with increasing concentrations of diclofenac for 48 h. Results represent the mean +/− standard deviation of 3 independent samples. Diclofenac reduced mitochondrial activity in both cell lines after 24 h (F). A reduction of about 40% was observed in MelIm at a concentration of 0.2 mM and in U937 at a concentration of 0.1 mM. Basal mitochondrial activity (ROUTINE), oligomycin inhibited respiration and capacity of electron transfer system (complex I to IV) were diminished by diclofenac. Results represent the mean+/−SD of 3 and 5 independent experiments, respectively, for MelIm and U937.

Figure 4
