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PF2 fit: Polar Fast Fourier Matched Alignment of Atomistic Structures with 3D Electron Microscopy Maps

Fig 4

Comparison of PF2 fit with other software in synthesized EM fitting at 10Å.

(A) The synthetically generated 3D EM map is a Gaussian blurred version of the PDB 7CAT (chains A and B), with resolution R = 10Å, and random noise added to obtain a signal-to-noise ratio of unity. The PDB 𝓟 (inset) is chain B of the same protein. The top-ranked result 𝓟1 (red/yellow) is compared to the original PDB molecule 𝓟 (blue). (B) Top-ranked result using PF2 fit —SE(3) with 8° uniform rotational sampling and 0.5Å translational step size has RMSD = 0.73Å. (C) Top-ranked result using Colores with default options has RMSD = 1.096Å. (D) Top-ranked result using the ADP_EM package, with bandwidth L = 25 has RMSD = 0.814Å.

Fig 4
