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Phospho-dependent Regulation of SAMHD1 Oligomerisation Couples Catalysis and Restriction

Fig 4

Different G based nucleotides can be accommodated in the SAMHD1 allosteric site.

(A) The contents and conformation of the allosteric sites for structures of SAMHD1(115–583)-ddGTP (top), SAMHD1(115–583[R164A])-dGTP (middle) and SAMHD1(115–626)-GTP (bottom) are shown. Nucleotides are shown in stick representation, SAMHD1 residues making contacts with the nucleotides are labelled. (B) SEC-MALLS analysis of SAMHD1(115–626) incubated with ddGTP/dATP(blue), dGTP/dATP (green) or GTP/dATP (orange). The chromatograms are the output from the differential refractometer. The points are the weight-averaged molar masses determined at 1-second intervals throughout elution of chromatographic peaks.

Fig 4
