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Modeled buoyancy of eggs and larvae of the deep-sea shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Crustacea: Decapoda) in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea

Fig 4

Larval drift characteristics and the environmental influences of the three most distinct IBM scenarios.

Release zones (colored symbols and numbers) linked to characteristics of the larval drift (arrows) in a Principal Component Analysis for A) the base scenario IBM0, B) the scenario with the buoyant stages up to Protozoea IBMPZ, and C) the scenario initialized at late summer IBMLS. The correlation among the characteristics of the larval drift is indicated by the angle between arrows (i.e., an angle of 90° indicates no correlation and an angle of 180° indicates a negative correlation). Release zones were correlated to the larval drift characteristics and environmental influences by the closeness of their Cartesian coordinates. The PCA grouped three regions: the release zones 1–4 (full green circle), the release zones 5–9 (full pink triangle) and the release zones 11 and 12 (full blue square). IBM scenarios are described in Table 1.

Fig 4
